Anticipated legislative elections: the obligatory nature of parity in the establishment of lists recalled

Anticipated legislative elections: the obligatory nature of parity in the establishment of lists recalled
Anticipated legislative elections: the obligatory nature of parity in the establishment of lists recalled

(APS) – The National Parity Observatory (ONP) reminded Friday political parties, coalitions and independent entities planning to participate in the legislative elections of their obligation to respect parity in the establishment and submission of lists of candidates.

”The ONP urges political parties, coalitions of parties and entities bringing together independent people to take all necessary measures to respect Parity when submitting lists of candidates,” the structure indicates in a press release.

The National Parity Observatory therefore calls on them to ensure compliance with the provisions of the Electoral Code relating to parity.

He points out that non-compliance with parity constitutes a reason for rejection of the list in question, in accordance with the provisions of the Electoral Code and the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Council in electoral matters (Decision No. 14/E/2022 of June 3 2022)”.

The ONP has also expressed its availability to support political groups or coalitions and independent individuals in the process of creating joint lists.




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