Moutier: The canton of Jura approves the Concordat on the transfer

Moutier: The canton of Jura approves the Concordat on the transfer
Moutier: The canton of Jura approves the Concordat on the transfer

The Concordat on the transfer of Moutier approved

With 72.9% of the votes, Jura said “yes” this Sunday to the transfer of Moutier. Civic engagement was reflected in 50.3% participation.

Published today at 2:52 p.m.

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The canton of Jura accepted the Concordat on the terms of the transfer of Moutier by 72.9% of voters on Sunday. The turnout was 50.3%. In the canton of Bern, there is also a move towards broad approval.

Two Jura municipalities rejected the Concordat: Bure en Ajoie with 51% and Ederswiler, the only German-speaking municipality in the canton of Bern with 51.1%. The highest percentage of yes votes was recorded in Lajoux, a municipality in the Franches-Montagnes, with 91%.

The three districts accepted this intercantonal agreement. It was in Ajoie that this rate was the lowest with 65.3%. A part of the population of the district of Porrentruy fears being left behind with the arrival of Moutier which would become the 2nd city of the canton.

If the canton of Bern validates the Concordat, there would remain only one step to be taken, considered a formality to close this eventful chapter of Swiss history: the vote next year of the Federal Assembly. Moutier would then join the canton of Jura on January 1, 2026.

Yes from the Prévôtois to the transfer of Moutier

The citizens of Moutier approved the concordat on the transfer of the town to the Jura by a majority of 56.21% (1567 yes against 1221 no), according to official figures communicated Sunday to Keystone-ATS.

The turnout is lower than in the last vote on March 28, 2021, when more than 3,800 citizens voted, but the yes vote in Jura has strengthened slightly. Three years ago, the share of supporters had reached 54.85%.

“We are very satisfied, the yes vote has been strengthened even if the participation is a little lower,” indicated the autonomous provost municipal councilor (PSA) Pierre Sauvain.

The supporters of the transfer of Moutier were gathered from 2:00 p.m. in front of the Hôtel de la Gare, on Place Roland-Béguelin. The atmosphere was relaxed, serene, with the presence of the leaders of the autonomist struggle, such as those of the Jura Autonomist Movement (MAJ).

The final results emerging at the level of the two cantons are in line with forecasts.


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