On the forecourt of the Cratère, companies are looking for mobile apprentices

On the forecourt of the Cratère, companies are looking for mobile apprentices
On the forecourt of the Cratère, Gard companies are looking for mobile apprentices

On Wednesday, September 18, trainers, recruiters and students met in front of the Cratère d’Alès for the first edition of the Apprenticeship Forum.

We sometimes hear some people complain that there is nothing to do in Alès, no work, no career path. This gathering would seem to want to prove them wrong. From 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., this Wednesday, September 18, around fifteen exhibitors, teachers and trainers met to explain to young people (and not so young) that it was possible to learn in the Cévennes. Around 350 varied apprenticeship offers were proposed to students.

“We want to align our young people and our businesses”

“I came here a bit by chance”admits Théo, looking at the job offers posted on the boards. Living not far from Vézénobres, the student says he is not very interested in the forum at first: “It was my advisor from the Mission Locale Jeunes (MLJ) who told me about this event, so I came”he confides. He saw himself rather leaving for , or Nîmes. “There is not much work in Alès”, according to him. An opinion that is understood on the side of the stand of the De La Salle high school: “We realize that most of the training fairs are thereassures a speaker. We want to align our young people and our businesses.” An opinion shared by Nathalie Rivenq, director of the Purple Campus in Alès: “The problem is not the number of vacancies, there are plenty here in the region. No, the real problem is mobility.”

The Alès-Cévennes Employment Center was present at the forum to remind people that the Mobil’job system allows for vehicle rental (with or without a license) as well as support for procedures relating to mobility.



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