#IciOnAgit. They measure atmospheric emissions in the

#IciOnAgit. They measure atmospheric emissions in the
#IciOnAgit. They measure atmospheric emissions in the Doubs

Parked on the side of the road leading to the Saint-Lazare equestrian center in Vuillecin, a van bearing the inscription “Studies, measurements and advice on air quality, workplace hygiene and atmospheric emissions” sets the tone.

With helmets on their heads, two employees of the Kali’Air company recover a rain collector. Asked to provide explanations about their work, they confide: “We are working on behalf of our client, the Colas Est company in Vuillecin. We are carrying out a measurement campaign of atmospheric emissions emitted by the Pont Rouge asphalt plant and have come to recover a rain collector (Owen gauge).”

“Measuring the dust rate”

This instrument for measuring sedimentable dust allows the reception of suspended particles and meteoric water. “The device that we have just recovered, contrary to the prevailing winds, serves as a control point. After a month’s exposure and laboratory treatment, it will be possible to measure the dust rate expressed in mg/m² per day. The results are mainly used for spatial comparison between different points around the Pont Rouge installation. Rainwater loaded with atmospheric fallout may contain pollutants that will be analyzed later in our approved air and dust analysis laboratory based in Orléans. In some cases, gauges can be placed near schools or retirement homes in order to check the impact on health and the population.”

Dust fallout into the environment, known as dustiness, is generally perceived as one of the most significant nuisances after water pollution and noise. This spread of dust to the outside concerns certain industrial activities, including, among others, quarries, cement plants and concrete plants, which are very present in the Haut sector.

Industrial atmospheric emissions

“For this day alone, we were commissioned by our clients in Doubs to carry out environmental measurements in the field of industrial atmospheric emissions, in air pollution, at the Osselle sand pits, the Étalans quarry and the Wienerberger clay quarry,” says Florent, who holds a DUT and a professional degree in chemistry.

His colleague Kaishen, who holds a degree in physics, agrees: “Our areas of intervention are air emissions from industrial chimneys, air in workplaces, indoor air, ambient air and environmental fallout, biomonitoring, odor monitoring. Some industrial installations can have impacts (pollution of water, air, soil, etc.) and present dangers (fire, explosion, etc.) for the environment, health and public safety.”



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