-Pas-de-: good reasons to participate in the global clean-up of the planet this weekend

-Pas-de-: good reasons to participate in the global clean-up of the planet this weekend
Nord-Pas-de-Calais: good reasons to participate in the global clean-up of the planet this weekend

NOur planet is so beautiful that we must preserve it at all costs. We are already feeling climate change, so to limit pollution and set an example for future generations, from September 18 to 22, we are participating in World Cleanup Day!

Hundreds of clean-up operations are planned in . Here are the good reasons to participate.

To help preserve the planet

Since 2018, the World Cleanup Day operation has mobilized an average of 180,000 people in France each year and 6,312 tons of waste have already been collected. This year, more than 2,000 collections are planned: you will find one near you. It is therefore a concrete opportunity to act for the planet by reducing pollution and cleaning public spaces, beaches, forests, etc. It also allows you to become aware of your own environmental footprint.

To feel useful

Seeing that our action has left a positive impact provides personal satisfaction. We feel useful and committed to a cause. We collaborate with associations and local communities in sustainable projects. After this mission, you will feel even better!

To create social bonds

This global initiative brings together dozens of people in the streets. Working together therefore strengthens the feeling of community. The opportunity to meet the neighbor, to chat with people who could become friends or to create links with associations or the municipality to create a network. Man is a social being, so we might as well take advantage of this opportunity!

What if I’m not available this weekend?

Not available this week or this weekend to participate in one of the actions? No worries! Nothing stops you from doing your own good deed and several times a year. Alone or with your little tribe or your friends, take garbage bags and gloves and go pick up the waste that litters the sidewalks around you, especially cigarette butts, such a great scourge. As a reminder, a single cigarette butt can pollute up to 500 liters of water!

Every year, we collect pots full of cigarette butts during these clean-up days. – Photo: World cleanup day France

All the actions can be found on the website worldcleanupday.fr



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