News – School transport: lost or expired cards? – illiwap news from the Corrençon en Vercors town hall

News – School transport: lost or expired cards? – illiwap news from the Corrençon en Vercors town hall
News – School transport: lost or expired cards? – illiwap news from the Corrençon en Vercors town hall
What’s new for the new school year!

Case #1: If during the year your child loses his or her transport card, damages it or has it stolen, we invite you to: first place to dial 04 8000 7000.
To redo a school transport cardfrom now on, you will have to do it online on your family account “La région vous transporte” (the same one that was created when registering your child for school transport). Follow the instructions and once the payment has been made 15 euros, you will receive by email a provisional proof of title so that your child can be in order on board transport. The commercial agency located at the CCMV can no longer issue / reissue a school transport card.

Case #2: If during the year, your child’s card has expiredyou don’t have to do anything. You will receive a letter directly informing you of this and will then receive the card by post automatically. The renewal of an expired card is free.

We thank you for taking note of these developments.
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