Weather: last days of sunshine in – Pas-de-, before two weeks of rain and showers

Weather: last days of sunshine in – Pas-de-, before two weeks of rain and showers
Weather: last days of sunshine in Nord – Pas-de-Calais, before two weeks of rain and showers

Summer is slowly coming to an end in Hauts-de-. There are still a few days to enjoy it. According to Météo France, it will still be sunny until Saturday, September 21 inclusive in the and Pas-de-. Temperatures will be pleasant: between 12 and 15°C in the morning, and up to 25°C in the afternoon, particularly in Arrageois, in the metropolitan area, in Avesnois and in Flanders. On the coast, it will be between 20 and 23°C. Unfortunately, these will be the last days of clear weather and heat.

Cool morning temperatures

Starting Sunday, and even if forecasts for more than three days are never 100% reliable, a very long rain tunnel is forecast for the region. Météo France only predicts showers across the entire territory every day, at least until October 2. With the notable exception of Sunday, September 29, when clearings could appear in Arrageois, Ternois, Flanders and the Lille metropolitan area.

It will also be time to get out the sweaters. In the afternoon, temperatures will definitely drop below 18°C ​​from Monday, September 23 and will stagnate all week between 13 and 17°C. Morning temperatures will be around 10 to 12°C, and should drop to 7-8°C from the beginning of October.



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