Helena is a former Belgian candidate for the show “Koh-Lanta: the sacred fire” (2023). Physiotherapist in Braine-l’Alleud, the young woman experienced an attack. She tells what happened to her via a story on Instagram.
“Girls Night”, writes Helena, ex-candidate of “Koh-Lanta: the sacred fire” (2023), in an Instagram story on Saturday early evening. What was supposed to be a pleasant outing to the restaurant with her friends unfortunately turned into a nightmare. “I was walking from the parking lot to the restaurant when a man ran up and grabbed my arm and said, ‘Are you fucking? ‘”, she says in a story published just after the incident.
I didn’t know how to say anything
In shock and paralyzed by fear, Helena did not react, completely terrified: “I didn’t know how to say anything. He continued to insist. I quickened my pace. He said to me: ‘Why are you afraid? Why are you stressed?’“. Although she asks her attacker to stop, he continues to harass her and threatens: “Give me some money and I’ll leave you alone“.
Helena then starts running and takes refuge in the restaurant. Once inside, she joins her friend, but the two women have difficulty finishing their meal, still under the influence of fear. Unfortunately, upon leaving the establishment, they find themselves faced with three men waiting for them. “My girlfriend reacted really well, because when we saw them again, she took photos“, explains Helena.
Fortunately, the two young women escaped unhurt thanks to the help of a kind driver who escorted them to their car.
The loss of confidence is there
Helena concludes by saying that she is traumatized by this event and feels humiliated. “The loss of confidence is there. Be careful, everything can change so quickly. The person insults you, says horrible things to you, approaches you, intimidates you. She sees that you’re scared and adds: ‘Ah, you’re scared, you’re stressed’“. In a video published this Sunday, Helena claims, however, that she feels better.
assault sexual harassment Koh-Lanta