In Carhaix, an adaptation of Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” on the theater option menu this year

In Carhaix, an adaptation of Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” on the theater option menu this year
In Carhaix, an adaptation of Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” on the theater option menu this year

“Theatre is the art of humanity”. It was Alwenn, a final year student from last year, who left this inscription on the blackboard in the theater room before leaving the establishment. A nice sentence which sums up quite well what is going on in these places… Factory of emotions, magical place where we change our identity, and where we even manage to leave our body: the theater, it It’s a bit of all that, and the students ask for more…

Partnership renewed with La Passerelle

This year again, the groups of the theater option at the Sérusier high school, in Carhaix, have not been idle since the start of the school year. The partnership with the La Passerelle theater in Saint-Brieuc has been renewed, allowing students to attend plays performed by professionals several times a year. “In November, we went to see “Leviathan”, a play by Lorraine de Sagazan, a beautiful show about justice,” indicates the professor in charge of the theater option, Erwan Thomas. On their return, the students improvised on the theme of immediate appearance hearings.

A professional actress as a tutor

To continue to progress, students in the option will receive, several times a year, a visit from a professional actress, who will help them develop the show of the year, an adaptation of “The Tempest” by Shakespeare, “a fun, modern and poetic play”, according to the teacher. “It will include some variations specific to our aesthetic, because we want it to be very lively! », adds Erwan Thomas. On the blackboard in the theater room, another quote, this one taken from “The Tempest,” began to insinuate itself into the brains of the young actors: “We are the stuff dreams are made of.”



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