“I’m ahead of Rihanna and Beyoncé… I haven’t been contacted for the Olympic Games”, David Guetta’s big rant from Chambord

“I’m ahead of Rihanna and Beyoncé… I haven’t been contacted for the Olympic Games”, David Guetta’s big rant from Chambord
“I’m ahead of Rihanna and Beyoncé… I haven’t been contacted for the Olympic Games”, David Guetta’s big rant from Chambord

Which artist will perform at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games? The suspense has been at its peak for several months. However, we already know that David Guetta will not be among the guests. The DJ actually broke the silence a few hours ago.

It was during a special concert given on the lawns of the Château de Chambord that Jessica Ledon’s companion expressed his incomprehension. Although he is one of the most famous French artists in the world, he was apparently not approached by the organizers of the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics.

Asked by an AFP correspondent, the famous DJ did not hide his disappointment. “If you have the answer, you will give it to me. Because I, I didn’t understand at all« he said bitterly. While he is a hit all over the world with his latest single I don’t wanna waitin collaboration with the OneRepublic group, David Guetta thought he legitimate to represent his country.

“Worldwide, I am still between the 4th and 15th most listened to artist in the world, not DJ, artist”he said proudly. « I’m in front of Rihanna and Beyoncé…To give you an idea, Beyoncé must be 40th or 50th. But no one called me. », he added.

” It’s like that ! “lamented David Guetta

Before joining the stage in front of which more than 30,000 people were waiting, the father of little Cyan expressed his disillusionment. « I am French and I love France. »did he declare. ” It’s like that ! »added the artist with fatalism.

Several big names have been mentioned to take part in the grand opening ceremony on July 26. Rumors announce the presence of Aya Nakamura or even Celine Dion. But the mystery remains intact and only a few people are in the know.

An exceptional show for the opening of the Olympic Games

To open the 2024 Olympic Games, a show lasting 3 hours and 45 minutes is planned. Thomas Jolly, the artistic director of the ceremony, intends « break the codes« . What surprises does he have in store for the billions of viewers who will follow the show? In any case, he aims to reserve for the public « the greatest show on earth« .

While Thomas Jolly has created a surprise recently by entrusting responsibility for stage costumes to Daphné Bürki, we can expect many revelations. The mystery will be solved in a few weeks, live in front of the whole world.



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