Miss France, nightclub… She tells all about Mbappé

Miss France, nightclub… She tells all about Mbappé
Miss France, nightclub… She tells all about Mbappé


Miss France, nightclub… She tells all about Mbappé

Published on June 29, 2024 at 9:30 p.m.

Columnist for the show Touche pas à mon poste, Amélie Bitoun spoke out about Kylian Mbappé. The latter had participated in an evening organized in Cannes, during which the new Real Madrid player got closer to a Miss France, in this case Maëva Coucke, crowned in 2018 and who celebrated her 30th birthday this Friday .

It’s not yet vacation time for Kylian Mbappé. After a grueling season in the PSG jersey, his last in the capital, the 2018 world champion has headed to theGermany to participate in the‘Euro. Afterwards, he is expected to travel to Madrid to sign his contract with his new club and be presented to the press. Only then could Mbappé benefit from a few days of rest.

Mbappé and Cannes, it’s a long story

Because for the moment, his only vacation time is a little trip to Cannes, during the festival, last May. Accompanied by‘Ousmane Dembéléthe Parisian player had enjoyed the sun, but also a few evenings. Columnist for the show TPMP, Amélie Bitoun suggested that Mbappé regularly went to nightclubs on the Côte d’Azur. During one of his trips, he had been observed alongside a Miss France well known.

Mbappé very close to a Miss France?

« It was in Cannes, I was working for the festival. And a mutual friend suggested that I go join some friends at a nightclub. I’m heading towards the box and I didn’t know that we were going to join Kylian Mbappé. We spent the evening with him. There were very few people there, only his sister, his hairdresser friend. Mbappé really likes Miss France since he was accompanied by a Miss France throughout the evening ” told Bitoun. Present on the set, the journalist Damien Canivez suggested that it would be Maëva CouckeMiss France 2018.



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