EXCLUSIVE Patrick Sébastien, Cyril Lignac… Increase in burglaries among stars, a police officer testifies!

EXCLUSIVE Patrick Sébastien, Cyril Lignac… Increase in burglaries among stars, a police officer testifies!
EXCLUSIVE Patrick Sébastien, Cyril Lignac… Increase in burglaries among stars, a police officer testifies!

From Patrick Sébastien to Cyril Lignac, including Anne-Sophie Lapix and Vitaa, the list of stars who have been victims of burglaries, sometimes involving kidnapping, continues to grow. But if these personalities, presenters, artists or sportsmen are targeted, it is not entirely by chance… Interviewed by “Purepeople”, a police officer deciphers this phenomenon and gives his advice.

EXCLUSIVE Patrick Sébastien, Cyril Lignac… Increase in burglaries among stars, a police officer testifies!

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There are the burglaries that the entire press has talked about, like the one that Kim Kardashian broke into in October 2016 in Paris or more recently the one that Thomas and Nabilla Vergara were victims of in July 2021, during their wedding. And there are the others, that we almost end up forgetting because there are so many of them. Among the latest victims, we can count Black M, or Maïtena Biraben. On Friday, March 29, just before the Easter weekend, thugs broke into the home that the host and producer owns in Meudon, in the suburbs of Paris, by breaking a French window. Luckily for her, the house was empty. and the burglars left with only a relatively paltry haul: a designer bag.

The fact remains that his name has been added to the very long list of celebrities affected by this scourge. However, if in France, we note a 3% increase in this type of crime in 2023, it seems that among stars, the resurgence of the phenomenon is particularly remarkable. Between December 19 and 31, 2023 alone, no fewer than five well-known personalities experienced misadventures more or less serious.

It all starts with two homejackings…

On the night of December 18-19, Alexandre Letellier, PSG’s replacement goalkeeper is held hostage at home with his wife and their two young children by four men armed with knives who try to extort money from him. The player’s girlfriend was allegedly hit in the faceThe criminals left with cash and jewelry but were quickly arrested.

The following night, in Rueil-Malmaison, in Hauts-de-Seine, three men armed with a baseball bat entered the home where the singer Vitaa, her husband Hicham Bendaoud, and their three children aged between 12 years and 15 months lived. The family was robbed and held captive. The criminals left with a substantial haul: luxury bags and jewelry. They were arrested the next day.

The next day, Patrick Sébastien’s house also receives an unexpected visit. Individuals break into the sublime property of 450 m2 which he owns in Boulogne-Billancourt, in Hauts-de-Seine. The amount of the damage is not known.

On the night of December 26-27, in the heart of Paris, a stone’s throw from the Eiffel Tower, It was the turn of Cyril Lignac’s apartment to be robbed. Watches, haute couture bags, and a pair of sports shoes were stolen by the burglars, who were immediately identified and arrested.

Jean-Luc Reichmann still in shock

Finally, on the night of December 31, it was Nikos who was targeted. He will be luckier. The triggering of the alarm at his house in Fontenay-Sous-Bois, in Val-de-Marne, will allow five criminals to be arrested before they even enter his home. Only some damage to his gate will be deplored.

And What is striking in this dark series is the frequency when these events occurred. They have only continued since the beginning of the year!

In mid-January 2024, Anne-Sophie Lapix came face to face with an individual trying to force her front door. A few days later, five men were arrested as they were about to break into her home. Finally, at the end of February, the TV news star had again called the police to report an attempted break-in. An incredible relentlessness.

Jean-Luc Reichmann, still in shock after the event, can thank his son. On the night of February 28 to 29, 2024, the young man put to flight thieves who had climbed the wall of the property that the host owns in Neuilly-sur-Seine and who had managed to open the house with a crowbar…

Celebrities are doing the work of the bad guys!

Asked by Purepeoplea police officer returns to these crimes, in particular these burglaries carried out in the absence of the personalities. He explains: “Unlike ordinary mortals, the travels of stars are often publicized. When a football player plays a match, we know for sure that he is not at home. The same goes for a singer in concert or a TV presenter live. If we add to that the fact that Many celebrities communicate about their travels themselves via their social networks For example, by posting holiday photos indicating their location, this gives serious indications.

According to this police officer, another element may explain why stars are particularly targeted: “In the imagination, famous equals rich. This is not necessarily true, of course, but it does make them prime targets.“About riches, precisely, This specialist warns all celebrities who make videos from home. “This is doubly dangerous, he notes. First, malicious individuals will be able to assess part of the property’s assets. But They will also be able to estimate the level of security of the home by analyzing the details of the video that show the doors, locks, windows. It’s really making their work easier“, our source says ironically.

Kidnapped like Vitaa or Bruno Guillon, what to do?

Vitaa and Alexandre Letellier are not the only ones to have suffered a home-jacking. A few months earlier, on the night of September 27, 2023, Bruno Guillon and his family were victims of a traumatic mishap: a burglary and kidnapping at their home in Tessancourt-sur-Aubette, in the Yvelines. The four criminals broke into the house during the night. They then threatened Bruno Guillon, his partner and their 14-year-old son with a handgun and a hammer. The violence of the attackers was particularly shocking. They notably attacked Bruno Guillon’s partner by tying her up and gagging herbefore stealing jewelry and luxury leather goods.I spent half an hour with a firecracker on my forehead – not the cigarette that makes you laugh, the revolver -, my hands tied behind my back, and naked!. Obviously I was upset, my family too, but we are alive and that is the main thing.

What to do in the event of an attack of this kind?Above all, it is a question of being conciliatory, explains our police source who is particularly familiar with questions of personal security. Above all, one must not try to resist because no good is worth physical integrity“. And for those who might be tempted to resist, this representative of the police forces reminds us of the law: “Self-defense to defend property is only recognized at night, not in broad daylight, except of course in case of physical attack. But I strongly advise against it. The best thing is to obey and let them do it, hoping that they leave quickly.“And our source gives this last little piece of advice to stars who would like to bunkerize their house: “The best alarm is very simple: it’s a dog!

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