“It will be impossible!” Brigitte Bardot reveals her last wish and it will surely not be respected

“It will be impossible!” Brigitte Bardot reveals her last wish and it will surely not be respected
“It will be impossible!” Brigitte Bardot reveals her last wish and it will surely not be respected

On the eve of her 90th birthday, celebrated on September 29, 2024, Brigitte Bardot made some precious confidences to journalists from Paris MatchSpeaking with great pragmatism and wisdom about the end of her life, she revealed one of her last wishes which unfortunately might not be respected.

Her wish? To rest for eternity in Saint-Tropez and more particularly in La Madrague where she has lived for many years. “You have obtained the rare authorization to rest for eternity at your home in La Madrague, have you chosen the precise place?” our colleagues asked her. She replied: “I think it will be impossible! I do not want to create a scandal and I will comply with the legal requirements.”

Another of her wishes that she dreams of seeing fulfilled is also that her animal welfare foundation – founded in 1986 – continues its fights after her death. When creating this association, the actress renowned for her beauty decided to fight against animal suffering with one conviction: “save, protect, love animals”. A long journey during which the former muse of Serge Gainsbourg had to overcome numerous obstacles.

Brigitte Bardot, determined to keep her foundation for animals alive

She tells : “It was at the very beginning, I knew nothing about the administrative side, which is so difficult, and I started with a secretary, a Minitel and my heart. I was going to the Saint-Tropez market to sell all my souvenirs from trips to Brazil, Mexico, autographed photos… A whole bunch of stuff to get a little money to save the few animals I picked up on my path”.

Thirty-six years later, this foundation is present in nearly 70 countries. My foundation is my baby, it is solid and I am doing everything to ensure that it survives me. But what will become of the world? The current situation is very bleak and I fear a serious upheaval in the near future. So who will live, will see! she concluded with concern.



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