Lebanon: UNIFIL peacekeepers under crossfire from Israel and Hezbollah

Lebanon: UNIFIL peacekeepers under crossfire from Israel and Hezbollah
Lebanon: UNIFIL peacekeepers under crossfire from Israel and Hezbollah

While the war in Gaza is still raging, the other front on the border between Lebanon and Israel threatens to spark a regional war. Since the day after October 7, 2023, daily clashes have been taking place between the Lebanese movement Hezbollah, an ally of Iran, and Israel around the border. Materialized by a blue line, this border was drawn by the United Nations, which ensures a peacekeeping mission with more than 10,000 blue helmets from around the world. Although their mandate does not allow them to intervene, but only to monitor, they find themselves caught in the crossfire. RFI was able to follow the Spanish contingent of this United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), which has 670 soldiers, during a patrol along this ultra-sensitive border.

From our special correspondent Kfar Kila,

The surveillance zone of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon begins south of the Litani River. We board a patrol led by Spanish Lieutenant Colonel José Irisarri: ” We are going to Kfar Kila ” he says.

Direction: the blue line, the border between Lebanon and Israel, at the heart of the clashes between Hezbollah fighters and the Hebrew state. Patrols are the only way to prevent an irregular army from establishing itself openly in the region, which would increase the risk of open war. »

A landscape devastated by bombings

Through the window we see a column of smoke from an Israeli bombardment. This is the southern part of Khiam, explains the lieutenant colonel. The main risk is that a bomb will fall near the patrol in the event of an attack. »

The Blue Helmets take us further along the border, to Kfar Kila. Ruined buildings pass by. José Irisarri reveals that “ This village was the most attacked by the Israelis. There is no one here anymore ».

Read alsoOn the border between Israel and Lebanon, the looming war is causing anxiety among residents

Suddenly, the first armored vehicle of the patrol turns around: an order has just arrived, we must take refuge immediately in the nearest base. The lieutenant colonel answers on the walkie-talkie: “ Damn, well received. Alert level 2. »

What is going on ? ” Usually it is at the request of the Israeli army. “, the Blue Helmet informs us. A few minutes after our departure, Kfar Kila will be bombed again by the Israeli army, Tsahal.

« We must try to avoid war, but we cannot impose peace. »

Back in a safe place, the head of the base, Captain Alfonso Albar, guides us to a surveillance point: “ There’s everything, air attacks, artillery attacks, mortars, machine gun fire, there’s everything. “The Blue Helmets are the helpless observers of this war that does not say its name.” What can we do ? asks Lt. Col. Irisarri. We must try to avoid war, but we cannot impose peace. »

Despite the presence of 10,000 blue helmets, this border area is today a powder keg that could set the Middle East ablaze.

Read also40 years of UN presence in South Lebanon



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