why the Arts Osés festival had to cancel its Saturday evening

why the Arts Osés festival had to cancel its Saturday evening
why the Arts Osés festival had to cancel its Saturday evening

Since the day before, concern had spread to the ranks of the organizers of the Thouars Arts Osés festival. Friday June 28, 2024, shortly before 10 a.m., the sentence finally fell. “We have decided to cancel the second evening of concerts, scheduled for Saturday June 29”confides Sébastien Oger, facilitator of the socio-cultural center (CSC) of Thouarsais, which organizes the event.

Reason? Calamitous weather forecast for this Saturday, with rain and especially thunderstorms on the menu. “We waited until the last moment, but very precise forecasts push us to make this choice. It’s a very difficult decision to make.”he whispers.

“No question of taking the slightest risk”

This 14e edition is thus reduced by half, a first in the beautiful and long history of this major popular event in the Deux-Sévrian cultural landscape, which broke all records in 2023 (8,500 spectators). But wisdom and prudence prevailed. “The financial aspect is important but our top priority is safety. There is no question of taking the slightest risk, even if there is obviously a lot of frustration among the volunteers”explains Sébastien Oger.

The public responded for this first and ultimately only evening of the 2024 edition of Arts Osés.
© (Photo NR)

The decision was taken just in time to limit the financial damage, and in particular to save on the fees of the artists scheduled for Saturday. Fortunately, the bands are very understanding. The musicians from Highlight Tribe, the headliner, told us that we could pay them when they come to play next year. We may still find ourselves in a difficult budgetary situation, I hope we can overcome it…”

Let’s bet that the various suppliers and sponsors will also be accommodating. In the meantime, all was not lost for the public, who responded in full force, under the sun, this Friday, June 28. Several concerts were on the menu on the esplanade of the castle, including Jado, Skia and Bekar (rap), but also Étienne Moustache (DJ), the local YouTuber of the stage (he is from Louin), to set the end of the evening alight.



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