INTERVIEW. Musical Offering: Christophe Pontens brings together companies with Class’Inn 65

INTERVIEW. Musical Offering: Christophe Pontens brings together companies with Class’Inn 65
INTERVIEW. Musical Offering: Christophe Pontens brings together companies with Class’Inn 65

A loyal partner of “L’Offrande Musicale” since the beginning of the project, the boss of Oxygen Interim, Christophe Pontens, has since brought together several companies to support the festival. From 4 to 5 companies in the first year, there are now 25 contributing to the financing of this extraordinary event with a cultural and social dimension.

You are a supporter from the start. How did you learn about David Fray and his festival project?

We were put in touch by a mutual friend, Dr. Hervé Louit, because David [Fray] wanted to involve the business world in the festival. As in many areas, everything is done in human relations. Either the current passes or it doesn’t. In our case, I would call it love at first sight. Yes, it also exists in this area too. So I joined from the first edition, and even from the pre-Offrande with this launch concert that he gave with Renaud Capuçon at the abbey of Saint-Savin. From the second edition, I created the Class’Inn 65 association to bring together private partners.

What does your support consist of?

This involves financial assistance but also participation in logistical and technical means, in particular the provision of light panels or even the communications manager of my company. But our bond goes much further. I introduced him to the world of business and he introduced me to classical music, even beyond because I became a real enthusiast. I had a few notions but thanks to him, I discovered different things, and above all we share emotions aroused by art. You could say that I fell into trouble after I turned 50.

David Fray can count on the support of Class’Inn 65 companies.
DDM – Viktoria Telek

So associating the company with the festival is not limited to sponsorship?

Private partners represent around 80% of the festival budget. This is huge without it being the norm because the public-private ratio should be around 50%. We always need more support because the festival requires increasing resources to guarantee such a level of artistic quality. I am thinking in particular of the royal fireworks display which will take place this summer in Payolle, which is the biggest project of the festival since its beginnings. But indeed, businesses also have a lot to gain from it. Business and art are two worlds that are not intended to come together and yet there are so many points in common, starting with high standards. We give our all and we have fun to carry out our projects. And then, in both cases, everything is a matter of men and women. Music also brings a plus to everyone and business leaders can share it with their employees. We therefore try to pamper our members who can all be proud to be able to contribute to the success of this festival which, this year, will exceed attendance.

Is this what convinces more and more companies?

I would like them to have the same experience as me, for them to discover classical music and dance. The increase in the number of Class’Inn members goes hand in hand with the growth of the festival. From 4 to 5 companies in the first edition, there are 25 of us this year and there are now companies that come on their own. This is encouraging and I hope others will join us.

This year, are you financing the Gala des Étoiles in Lourdes? Is dancing also important to you?

Yes. My daughter does dance, so it’s a world that I know. But it is also one of the means of expression that helps people with disabilities, which promotes their inclusion, a mission that is dear to me, hence the creation of an inclusion branch in my company. I therefore decided to mobilize the Oxygen Interim endowment fund, dedicated to projects in the region, to support this dance show which will be exceptional with the participation of the stars of the Paris Opera and dancers from the Hamburg Ballet. Through this festival which brings us together in our differences, I hope that as many people as possible will see that people with disabilities are not missing something but on the contrary, they have something extra.



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