six personalities locked up without sleeping on France 2

six personalities locked up without sleeping on France 2
six personalities locked up without sleeping on France 2

Get ready not to sleep this Tuesday evening! Marie Portolano and Michel Cymes take you on a unique nocturnal adventure with “He who sleeps loses! The great experience of sleep”. Imagine six personalities – Linda Hardy, Titoff, Francis Perrin, Gwendal Marimoutou, Caroline Margeridon, and Hugo Bardin (aka Paloma from Drag Race) – locked in a “Lab” for thirty-six hours without sleep.

Sleep, a public health issue

The objective? Stay awake as long as possible and take a series of elimination tests to assess the impact of lack of sleep on their cognitive abilities.
Michel Cymes, never short of medical knowledge, reminds us: “We lost 1 hour 30 minutes of sleep in just ten years! », Gwendal Marimoutou goes one better: “Sleep is not Instagrammable”, a remark that makes you smile, but which says a lot about our relationship with sleep today.

The extracts from the Lab and the on-set challenges promise moments of laughter, stress and surprising discoveries about our brain.

“Sleep must be protected, sacred”

But make no mistake, this show is about more than just entertainment. Michel Cymes offers us a real course on the benefits of sleep. “Sleep must be protected, sacred,” he insists. The tests that celebrities undergo are designed to reveal the real impacts of sleep deprivation on memory, reflexes and mood.

By following Michel Cymes’ practical advice, you will learn how to improve your own sleep, while having fun with the participants’ misadventures.

So why should you watch “Who Sleeps Loses! The Great Sleep Experiment” this Tuesday night? Because this show succeeds in a daring challenge: to entertain you while raising awareness of a crucial public health issue. You will laugh at the challenges, you will be moved by the determination of the candidates, and above all, you will learn things that could transform your nights.

He who sleeps loses! The great sleep experiencethis Tuesday June 25, from 9:10 p.m., on France 2.



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