Aymeric Lompret, Alex Vizorek and Clara Ysé at Champilambart in Vallet in 2024-2025

Aymeric Lompret, Alex Vizorek and Clara Ysé at Champilambart in Vallet in 2024-2025
Aymeric Lompret, Alex Vizorek and Clara Ysé at Champilambart in Vallet in 2024-2025


Coralie Ganivet

Published on

June 25, 2024 at 9:12 a.m.

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After one 2023-2024 season who beat attendance records (92% occupancy rate) and standing ovationsthe Champilambart team in Vallet (Loire Atlantique) is reboosted like never before!

“We bet on big headliners, shows with double dates… and it worked. We have found our pre-Covid figures,” rejoice Isabelle Driguez and Céline Blin, respectively director and assistant director.

Not to mention the 20th anniversary edition of the Cep Party youth festival which also set a record. “These are great conditions to start again,” welcome these culture enthusiasts who, as always, have strived to build balanced programming for the next season which will begin on October 1, 2024. “It mixes known artists and discoveries, the intimate and the spectacular, the funny and the tragic, the small and the big story,” they announce.

Of humor

As for the headliners, we are expecting two renowned comedians. Aymeric Lompret will be on the Vallet stage to close the season in style Friday May 16, 2025. The one who just slammed the door of France Inter in support of his friend Guillaume Meurice who was fired from it, will present a show as committed as it is politically incorrect. In “Yolo”, he plays a homeless person who made the choice to continue laughing, even in adversity. “He addresses the public with the humor of a destroyed homeless person, it’s a harsh approach, it’s quite trashy, but it’s also very endearing,” warns the director.

Earlier in the season, she will welcome Alex Vizorek, a Belgian actor who left France Inter and his compatriot Charline Vanhoenacker last year to join RTL. “He will be there on Saturday December 14, 2024 with “Ad Vitam”, a not at all classic stand-up show about death,” explains Isabelle Driguez. “It’s very documented, very intelligent, but also and above all very funny,” adds Céline Blin.

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Of the song

On the music side, the Champilambart will host Clara Ysé for a sit-stand concerta formula that works very well, the Thursday November 28, 2024. Author, composer and performer, she will play songs from her first album, “Oceano Nox”. “She does French songs in piano-voice, but also pop, and she has an incredible voice,” present the programmers.

She’s on the rise, she’s been nominated for the next Victoires de la Musique in the original song of the year category and she’s doing lots of festivals. I discovered it 3-4 years ago and I really wanted to program it because I love what it does.

Isabelle Driguez, director of Champilambart

Isabelle Driguez is impatiently awaiting the arrival of Faada Freddy on February 27, 2025. “She’s a Senegalese artist who also tours festivals. He has a crazy voice like Stevie Wonder that mixes gospel and reggae.” “It’s super beautiful, it’s a real show, very joyful and full of fervor,” adds Céline Blin, specifying at the same time that “on stage, there are no instruments, it’s the singers who make music with their bodies.

Senegalese singer and rapper Faada Freddy will be in concert at Champilambart on February 27, 2025. ©Omar Victor


On the theater side now, the Champilambart team is looking forward to finding François Morela regular here, who directs and plays in the play “Art” alongside Olivier Broche and Olivier Saladin, his old friends Deschiens.

They will present this creation twice in a row Friday January 31 And Saturday February 1, 2025. “It’s a piece by Yasmina Reza created in 1994 that was a hit! His starting point? They are three friends, close friends for 15 years, who see their friendship shaken when one of them buys a whiteboard. They will enjoy arguing with each other, contradicting each other, but also reconciling,” announces Isabelle Driguez.

In another style, Saturday January 11, 2025, lovers of history and personalities will undoubtedly enjoy (re)discovering the struggles of Gisèle Halimi, the most famous lawyer in France. “We learn lots of things there, we know her especially for her commitment to the cause of women, but we know less about her intervention during the Algerian war for example. It’s powerful, it’s a real history lesson through theater,” notes Céline Blin.

From the circus

Finally, on the circus side, we will cite this favorite of the programmers, “Yay! (The water) “by the Baobab Company which, as its name suggests, offers a show around… water on Wednesday January 29, 2025.

It’s a Guinean troupe that brings together children from the street. There are 13 acrobats on stage and it’s super powerful, very efficient.

The Champilambart programmers

All while evoking a very important subject, ecology.

A free show to discover the season in a new way

These few shows are only a selection among the 27 dates of the next cultural season, which the public can discover in more detail thanks to the traditional presentation video on the Champilambart website, but also – and this is new this year – through a free show which will be held on site Tuesday June 25. The Nantes improvisation company La Poule will present in a completely offbeat way the dates not to be missed and those to especially avoid!

Start of subscription sales Wednesday June 26 at 10 a.m. on site, route des Dorices in Vallet, or online on the website www.champilambart.fr. Standing tickets for Clara Ysé and Faada Freddy concerts will also be on sale on June 26. For all other single places, you will have to wait until September 17. For any information : [email protected] or 02 40 36 20 30.

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