Omar Sy and his wife Hélène celebrate the graduation of their son Tidiane in pictures

Omar Sy and his wife Hélène celebrate the graduation of their son Tidiane in pictures
Omar Sy and his wife Hélène celebrate the graduation of their son Tidiane in pictures

By Marie-Laure Makouke

6 hours ago,

Update 6 hours ago

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ON VIDEO – While the 18-year-old young man has just graduated in California, his parents, Hélène and Omar Sy, took to their social networks to share their pride with their thousands of subscribers.

“I am Tidiane’s father and I am so proud of him… Continue your journey which is already very beautiful and astonishing. Go for it my son… Fly high (“Fly high”, in French, Editor’s note.)!” It is with this message posted on June 14 on his Instagram account that Omar Sy shared his joy following the graduation ceremony of his son Tidiane. A publication which, 9 hours after it was posted online, had already been “liked” more than 130,000 times and had collected hundreds of congratulatory messages including those from Sharon Stone and Cathy Guetta, in particular.

Unsurprisingly, the 46-year-old actor was the only one from the Sy family to express his happiness publicly. His wife, Hélène also expressed her pride on her social networks, by publishing several photos and videos of the event. “Just Graduated» (“Young graduate”, in French, Editor’s note.), she mentioned in one of these videos.

Tidiane Sy, “an extraordinary son”

A couple for 26 years, married for 17 years, Omar and Hélène Sy moved to Los Angeles with their children in 2012. It is at Calabassas high school that Tidiane Sy continues her education. A big basketball fan and member of his high school team, the young man celebrated his 18th birthday on March 5. This time again, Hélène Sy took the opportunity to show her love to the third of her five children. “My adorable boy Tidiane Sy is 18 years old today. An extraordinary son from day one, growing up to be an extraordinary man. Happy birthday my Tij,” she wrote in the caption of her Instagram post.



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