Mika Rottenberg’s antimatter factory at the Tinguely Museum in Basel

Mika Rottenberg’s antimatter factory at the Tinguely Museum in Basel
Mika Rottenberg’s antimatter factory at the Tinguely Museum in Basel


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June 4, 2024 – 4:59 p.m.

(Keystone-ATS) The Tinguely Museum in Basel is presenting an exhibition until November 3 dedicated to the Argentine artist Mika Rottenberg who lives and works in New York. You can admire works and video installations created between 2003 and 2024.

The exhibition “Mika Rottenber. Antimatter Factory” is a retrospective of the work of the artist born in 1976 in Buenos Aires. A fountain sculpture designed especially for the exhibition is presented in the museum grounds, the Tinguely Museum said on Tuesday.

“The Antimatter Factory” takes the visitor into the absurd and bizarre artistic world of the Argentinian artist. With her works, she questions the links between everyday life and the logic of capitalist production.

The title of the exhibition refers to the name of a department at CERN in Geneva which conducts experiments on antimatter. The artist found inspiration there for his video installation “Spaghetti Blockchain” where matter moves through space and time, thus plunging the visitor into the heart of Mika Rottenberg’s artistic cosmos, explains the museum.

Throughout the duration of the exhibition, the feature film REMOTE is screened in the museum’s conference room. It was made during the pandemic by Mika Rottenberg and Mahyad Tousi. It’s a fantastic story that speaks of a post-pandemic era where physical and digital interactions resume in unexpected ways and distances disappear.



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