the show “Le grand Dimanche soir” shortened following the suspension of the comedian – Libération

the show “Le grand Dimanche soir” shortened following the suspension of the comedian – Libération
the show “Le grand Dimanche soir” shortened following the suspension of the comedian – Libération

The France Inter satirical show scheduled for Sunday June 2 will last one hour instead of two. A decision taken due to “small team”.

With one less Guillaume Meurice, no choice. The France Inter satirical show “Le grand Dimanche soir”, hosted live and in public by Charline Vanhoenacker, will take place on Sunday June 2 in a shortened version. Information revealed by THE Parisian and confirmed by the management of public radio. “Sunday’s show will only last one hour,” instead of two usually.

This decision was made “due to a still small team”, according to Parisiandue to the suspension of Guillaume Meurice, star columnist. “His colleague Aymeric Lompret, another figure on the program, should once again stay away from the microphone as a sign of solidarity, as he has for two weeks,” the daily still reports.

Guillaume Meurice has been removed from the radio since May 2, four days after having reiterated his controversial remarks about the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, made at the end of October. He compared it to a “kind of a Nazi but without a foreskin”, and had been accused of anti-Semitism. He had also been the target of complaints for “provocation to violence and anti-Semitic hatred” And “public insults of an anti-Semitic nature”, which were dismissed by the Nanterre public prosecutor’s office on April 22. Welcoming this court decision, the comedian then repeated his joke. His fate should be decided on Tuesday, June 4 at the earliest, we learned from the South union following a disciplinary committee on Thursday, May 30.

Support strike

A strike against the suspension of Guillaume Meurice had prevented the broadcast of Charline Vanhoenacker’s show on Sunday May 12, of which he is a part, and disrupted the programs of this station during the day. “France Inter and Radio France persist in tackling humor”, deplored in a press release the inter-union of the public group CFDT-CGT-FO-SNJ-UNSA-SUD and the companies of journalists and producers of France Inter. It’s also “an iconic show” who is “attacked” And “finds herself seriously weakened and destabilized, at the risk of causing her disappearance”add these organizations about the program “Le grand Dimanche soir”, where the comedian officiates and which Charline Vanhoenacker presents.

The Radio France unions and the France Inter editorial team asked their management last week to give up “to a dismissal decision” by Guillaume Meurice, believing that this “would create a serious precedent” For “freedom of speech”.



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