Sony Pictures will cause controversy with this announcement to reduce costs

The President of Sony Pictures, Tony Vinciquerrawants to reduce the production costs. But to get there, he plans to make a decision that risks making controversy.

sony pictures wants to reduce production costs

Producing films and series is expensive. In fact, costs even tend to increase over time, whether because of the technologies used and more advanced special effects, or simply out of a desire to do better than the competition. Some studios and production companies are willing to take it on, but others prefer to cut expenses. A choice which is understandable but which, we hope, will not be made at the expense of the quality of the productions.

The President of Sony Pictures Entertainment, a production and distribution company, a specific idea in mind to solve the problem, to reduce costs while remaining productive. And suffice to say that this may not be unanimous, since it involves using artificial intelligence.


artificial intelligence to reduce expenses

It was during a meeting with investors, held this Thursday in Japan, that Tony Vinciquerra spoke clearly about his intention to use AI for future Sony Interactive Entertainment productions, including he is the CEO. As reported IndieWirethe man does not hide his desire to lower costs, and the process has already started: “notWe are very focused on AI. The biggest problem in filmmaking today is expenses. We will explore ways to produce films for cinema and television more efficiently, primarily using AI.”

type="image/webp">tony vinciquerra president sony pictures>

Obviously, the usual ethical problems linked to artificial intelligence arise, in particular because there is a fear that it will replace certain human professions. However, it is difficult to judge the impact of such a decision at the moment, since the President of Sony Pictures did not explain in detail how he plans to use AI



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