60 Million consumers denounce these 15 brands of rice contaminated with pesticides

60 Million consumers denounce these 15 brands of rice contaminated with pesticides
60 Million consumers denounce these 15 brands of rice contaminated with pesticides
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A study of 60 million consumers from January 2024 sows doubt about the contents of our plates. According to analyzes carried out, non-organic basmati rice often contains pesticides at high levels. levels above authorized limits by the European Union. However, it is a staple food for many French people.

Be careful of pesticides in rice

For many French people, rice is a pillar of the diet. However, this food finds itself at the center of a health controversy. Thus, a study of 60 Million consumers has highlighted worrying levels of pesticide residues.

Note that this concerns certain varieties of conventional rice. Following an analysis, it turns out that some references do not meet standards in force. Indeed, the magazine’s experts have noted worrying traces of pesticides in rice.

Faced with these conclusions from 60 million consumers, the French must exercise vigilance. The objective is of course to reduce their exposure to these pesticides. That said, how to do it and above all, what brands of rice should you absolutely avoid?

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60 Million consumers and rice

Of the 40 references analyzed by 60 million consumers, almost 40% (i.e. 15) contained pesticide residues. Brands such as Saint-Éloi, Ben’s Original, Vivien Paille and U performed poorly. They posted scores ranging between 8 and 9 out of 20.

Non-organic basmati rice varieties, often imported from India and Pakistan, are particularly affected. L’agriculture intensive practiced in these regions would explain these high levels of contamination. As a reminder, it is distinguished by massive use of pesticides.

By doing this, farmers want to maximize yields. Certainly, the risks associated with short-term exposure are not clearly established. However, regular consumption of rice treated with pesticides could, in the long term, have harmful consequences for health.

60 Million consumers alert

According to experts from 60 Million Consumers, exposure to pesticides concerns more non-organic basmati rice. Indeed, analyzes revealed significantly higher levels of contaminants in this variety compared to other types of rice.

Of course, this discovery raises questions on food security. The massive use of pesticides in producing countries like India and Pakistan explains these risks. However, as you already know, these chemicals can harm your health.

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For their part, the health authorities ensure constant monitoring of pesticide residue in products in circulation. On the other hand, this new data from the magazine 60 Millions de consommateurs reinforces the importance of favoring safer alternatives.

Possible alternatives to basmati rice

Despite the alert of 60 million consumers, know that there is safer alternatives for your health. To limit the risks associated with exposure to pesticides, the magazine recommends favoring more natural options. Organic basmati rice, for example.

Cultivated without chemical pesticides, the latter appears to be a wise choice. Likewise, the Camargue rice stands out for its quality and safety. Indeed, it is produced locally in using environmentally friendly agricultural practices.

Although these alternatives are a little more expensive, they guarantee a healthier diet. They also help support sustainable agriculture.

Source : 60millions-mag.com



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