If you are one of the many people who, every morning, start their day with bread or jam rusks, you are probably wondering how to choose a quality product? What should you look out for on the label? This recent investigation of 60 Million consumers will tell you a lot. And especially on jams that you should never buy.
Jams in the viewfinder 60 Million consumers
For breakfast, as a snack, as a dessert, there is no doubt that jam is a product so versatile that it is always present in French homes.
There are those who prefer it very sweet and those who, on the contrary, for taste or necessity, with little sugar. But, whatever the version, jams are found all over the world. There are endless varieties and types. This is why it can be difficult to know how to choose them well.
When we talk about jam and health, it is essential to consider the ingredients and the production process to make choices that help with well-being.
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The experts of 60 Million consumers identified the presence of pesticides. In a recent survey, experts analyzed 40 of the most popular varieties of jam. And this, with the two most popular flavors in France: strawberry and apricot.
The experts analyzed 20 types of strawberry jam and 20 types of apricot jam. Verdict? 60 Million consumers detected more than 600 traces of different pesticides.
The analysis identified pesticides in more than half of the products. “We found 15 different insecticide molecules or fungicides. In 22 of the 40 references analyzed »then indicates 60 Million consumers.
No trace of pesticides in organic jams
The experts of 60 Millions of consumers also analyzed the composition of the products. “We have promoted the products richest in fruit and with the simplest composition. The amount of sugar was estimated and the Nutri-Score was calculated. Our final grades range from 7.5/20 to 15.5/20« , then explains the experts.
The investigation showed that the most contaminated jams were those made with apricot. “Strawberries, most often grown above ground, benefit from a more controlled environment. Dordogne strawberry jam Reflets de France (Carrefour brand) nevertheless contains 5 fungicides or insecticides »then specifies 60 Million consumers.
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The 4 worst apricot jams, according to 60 Million consumers
On the last step of the podium, we find 4 apricot jams. They contain pesticides banned in the European Union:
– Auchan La Gourmande
– Confipote 65% fruit
– Gerblé without added sugars
– Intermarché Paquito extra
In addition to homemade jams, according to 60 Million consumers recommends organic jams. In fact, they do not contain any trace of pesticide. So opt for organic jams!
Source : 60 Million consumers