Food allergies up 300% in 20 years among children

Food allergies up 300% in 20 years among children
Food allergies up 300% in 20 years among children

For health specialists, food allergies are a real public health issue.

Food allergies can be deadly

They have increased by 300% in 20 years among children. “They” are food allergies. Guest on -, Séverine Fernandez (allergist but also president of the French Union of Allergists) is worried since 6 to 8% of children under 15 are affected in France. 20 years ago, children represented only 2%…

6 to 8% of children under 15 in France are affected by food allergies

The figures from the RAV (Allergo Vigilance Network) give other indications: 4 to 5% of the French population is affected by a food allergy. For Séverine Fernandez, we must act now: “If we don’t tackle this issue head on, we’re going to have an explosion of allergies“.

We are going to have an explosion of allergies

For this specialist, there is a need for greater awareness, better application of regulations and an update of allergens that must be declared. Today, allergies are increasingly complex, and with more and more foods.

Dietary diversification is effective

Early diversification of food is one of the measures to combat the increase in the number of cases of food allergies in children.

The immune system reacts with sudden inflammatory manifestations

In the event of an allergy to a food (egg, milk, fish, etc.), the immune system reacts with sudden inflammatory manifestations. At any age, food allergies can cause respiratory, skin or digestive symptoms. Anaphylactic shock can also occur, recalls the Health Insurance.

In some cases of severe food allergy, severe symptoms may also appear.

In certain cases of severe food allergy, serious symptoms may also appear: pharyngeal or laryngeal edema (also called “angioedema”); a major asthma attack; anaphylactic shock; it is much more common in adults. It occurs after the ingestion of allergenic foods (most often containing wheat flour and/or spices), followed by a sporting activity (jogging, endurance, dancing, etc.), the effort revealing the ‘food allergy.

Pascale de la Tour du Pin has Quincke’s edema on C8

At the beginning of June on the set of “PAF” (C8) hosted by Pascale de la Tour du Pin, the 46-year-old host developed angioedema. On site, the doctors were categorical: she could have passed. She explains on Europe 1: “An hour before air, I was recording the summer shows, right here in this studio, and for some reason completely unknown to me, I started to have a sore throat, I started to double in size“.



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