Sex. Eating disorders and sexuality: a silent relationship

Sex. Eating disorders and sexuality: a silent relationship
Sex. Eating disorders and sexuality: a silent relationship

Eating disorders (ED) include a group of conditions such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder. In France, more than 600,000 adolescents and young adults are affected, with more women than men.

A resounding impact

It is a fact : ” A majority of these patients suffer from major sexual disorders », notes Jean-Michel Huet, psychoanalyst and sexologist in Paris and Pouillenay (Côte d’Or). With ” a profound impact on their lives, even though in most cases the subject has never been discussed with their doctor or therapist. ».

It is thus considered secondary. As part of his university studies, the therapist conducted a study on 800 patients suffering from eating disorders. His conclusion? ” Compared to other patients, particularly chronic patients, the latter report the most disturbed and unsatisfactory sexuality. ! »

What explanations?

He cites two main reasons for this observation:

The relationship with the other : « Contrary to popular belief, eating disorders are less of a disease of eating than of relationships. “. He explains : ” Human beings communicate with each other through food, which means that the patients affected see their relationships very limited. » ;

The relationship with the body : « especially with the naked body, which is very complicated when you suffer from an eating disorder », pursues Jean-Michel Huet. « So we don’t show up. Not to mention that when you’re very thin, a whole bunch of bodily fluids don’t work well. And depending on the case, the skin appears drier, scaly or oilier. Which also does not promote a good self-image or eroticism… »

What advice?

However, the specialist refuses any fatalism. “ EDs can indeed be cured », he wants to clarify! “ And their treatment improves the sex life of the patients concerned. In the same way as the relationship with their own body “. The subject still needs to be addressed in consultation.” It is necessary to talk about it “, he advises the patient but also the therapists.



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