WhatsApp: A new button to organize your events!

WhatsApp: A new button to organize your events!
WhatsApp: A new button to organize your events!


► In brief

  • WhatsApp to redesign a feature
  • This is the Event button, formerly hidden in the Communities tab
  • It will now be available in group conversations

It has become an almost daily refrain: a new feature is going to appear on WhatsApp! And this time, it is not WABetaInfo who tells us about it, but the PhoneArena blog. Well, this time, it is not really a new feature, but rather the redesign of an option already existing on Meta’s messaging service.

What is this new Whatsapp feature?

In the coming weeks, the application will benefit from the deployment of a brand new button, directly integrated into conversations, allowing the user to create an event. Previously, this option was only available in a subcategory of the Community tab, making it not very visible and, logically, not very used. It is therefore in order to make it more accessible that the Meta teams have decided to rework its integration within WhatsApp. Thus, the user will be able to find it directly in the advanced options of a message, accessible by clicking on the paperclip to the right of the text field.


How to use Events on WhatsApp?

Please note, however, that the integration of the Event button is only available for group conversations, so it is impossible to use it for your private exchanges with a single interlocutor.

But how do you actually use it? We’ll explain the steps to follow:

  • Press the paperclip to the right of the text field
  • At the very bottom of the options, select Event
  • In the opened window, configure your event:
    • a) Name
    • b) Description
    • c) Location
    • d) Date and time
    • e) Link (if it is a video event)
  • Once the setting is done, all that remains is to press the button Send


Once sent, the event will then be pinned to the conversation, and all members are notified. A very simple feature, which benefits from a basic, but practical, overhaul to make it more accessible.



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