Breast cancer – “I touched my chest and felt a little lump”: yes, men can suffer from it too

Breast cancer – “I touched my chest and felt a little lump”: yes, men can suffer from it too
Breast cancer – “I touched my chest and felt a little lump”: yes, men can suffer from it too

Breast cancer remains very rare in men; it represents less than 0.5% of male cancers since it affects around 500 men in France each year. Generally, it occurs after the age of 60. “Men whose close relative, both male and female, has had breast cancer are at increased risk of developing this disease. The risk increases depending on the number of close relatives affected by this cancer“, specifies the National Cancer Institute.

Quoted by Le Parisien, David confides that he has been affected by the disease since 2019: “I didn’t even know it existed in humans. Men are modest. They are ashamed. They don’t dare say it, let alone think about it. The choice of the name Pink October, a month dedicated to breast cancer, suggests that this pathology only concerns women.“.

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In the columns of the daily newspaper, the patient recounts having discovered his illness himself: “We were at a family meal on August 25, 2019. I touched my chest and felt a small one-centimeter lump. I went to see the general practitioner. He ordered me to have an ultrasound. Given the results, I had to take other exams at the Gustave-Roussy institute, in Villejuif, where they have a very effective one-day screening system. The same evening, a doctor told me that I had breast cancer.“.

Since the announcement of the illness, David has been fighting against established cancer as “hormone-dependent and inflammatory“. For him, a total removal of the breast was immediately prescribed. A few weeks later, the doctors discovered that the tumor had grown and reached 3 cm. A year later, this man thought he was cured but he asked for a CT scan. overall due to back pain: “The doctors discovered bone metastases, which were very painful. Daily suffering”.

Today, he encourages other men to be careful: “When you put on a deodorant full of aluminum salts, you don’t necessarily think of breast cancer, nor when you eat cold cuts with nitrite salts or cook with aluminum foil, which is very toxic…“.

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