Health: employees who are happy in their company but victims of stress

Health: employees who are happy in their company but victims of stress
Health: employees who are happy in their company but victims of stress

Mixed and paradoxical results in a study published by Mutual Harmony at regional level Auvergne-Rhône-Alpesand produced by the Toulouse institute Lead Opinion.

While 78% of 1,002 private sector employeesaged 15 to 65, interviewed at the end of January 2024, consider “how good it is to work in their company”no less than 42% felt “too stressed and about to break down” over the last few months.

In the top 4 reasons for stress: workload, relationships with hierarchy, pressure on deadlines, relationships with the public, customers and suppliers.

Well-being scores at work are significantly lower among the workers surveyed: 73% compared to 81% among managers, and also lower in companies with 100 to 250 employees: 76%, compared to 84% among those with fewer than 50 employees. Even greater gap between generations: 45-54 year olds are the most critical, and those under 25 are 85% positive.

Absenteeism affected one in two employees in 2023 in France. Over 12 years, absenteeism increases by 75%explain Carole Bourget-Martin, since the Covid crisis, the commitment of employees has been questioned, the requirements have changed on the “work-life” balance, teleworking concerns one in three employees who responded to the survey, the majority over one day/ week. It was time to ask the employees about their state of mind. Pretty good.”

Harmonie Mutuelle in the regions has also just commissioned this same type of study on Occitanie and New Aquitaine regionsand soon Paca: “It will be interesting to make a comparison laternotes Carole Bourget-Martin.

In Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, companies that are moderately attentive to employee health

There is a notable difference in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region with the trend noted at the national level by the Lead Opinion institute observatory: while 52% of respondents to the Aura survey believe that their company is attentive to their health, we are well below the France observatory’s score of 69% positive opinions:

“We can attempt an explanation by noting that the region has an over-representation of large companies, in which only 43% of employees believe that their structure is attentive to their health.

We remember waves of suicides in France in large public and private companies. And, unfortunately still relevant, the suicide rate among certain civil servants (police, health, etc.).

Conversely, the smaller the company, the more protected the employee would be, the CPME seems to say: “Physical and mental health concern the small boss closest, it is the beating heart of his companyaffirms Cyril Ihssandirector of the new economy within the CPME du Rhône, in France 80% of companies employ fewer than 20 employees. This is where we find the highest employee engagement rates.”

But rather than acting solely on curative measures through additional healthcare coverage, the Harmonie mutual insurance company, which has 305,000 people protected in the region, and 13,000 businesses, is clearly committed to prevention. Which corresponds well to its status as a mission-driven company.

“It is prevention that will have an impact on the company’s health plan, argues Carole Bourget-Martin, we offer diagnostics to companies to highlight solutions to different problems: an increase in musculoskeletal disorders, or a wave of above-average work stoppages for example.”



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