Attention disorders. Children born at the end of the year more likely to receive treatment?

Attention disorders. Children born at the end of the year more likely to receive treatment?
Attention disorders. Children born at the end of the year more likely to receive treatment?

Two mothers imagine a place and a project for their autistic children: Atypika

Julie Gobourg and Barbara Meynaert are mothers of autistic and/or ADHD children. Faced with increasing difficulties and the walls that increasingly stand in their way, they decided to create their own place, on the principle of reverse inclusion: “An environment adapted for autistic people, but open to the whole family”explains Julie Gobourg, who spends most of her time finding solutions for her three “extraordinary children”.

As for Barbara Meynaert, her little boy goes to school… two half hours a week, and she has to do schooling at home the rest of the time. Consequence: no longer possible to work, isolation, intense stress…

The project called Atypika consists of “have everything on site” For “children usually left aside”, according to seven areas: relaxation, well-being, motor skills, outdoors, learning, conferences, health. With a helping hand from Bruno Dolhem, “who created the School of Multiple Intelligences in Saint-Germain-en-Laye: we learn differently there, and it works. » If “a speech therapist, two occupational therapists, an orthoptist, a socio-hairdresser, a French teacher” are willing to help the adventure get started on a voluntary basis ” to begin with “, the project leaders are actively looking for a place to host this unique device. Which would rely mainly on parents’ contributions and contributions…



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