Here is THE color that attracts mosquitoes the most according to science

Here is THE color that attracts mosquitoes the most according to science
Here is THE color that attracts mosquitoes the most according to science

It’s soon the summer ! If, in the majority of French territory, neither the temperatures nor the sun seem to be there, the mosquitoes are making their annual return. In fact, these insects proliferate in humidity, and are therefore likely to be numerous during the summer months. Often, we can have the impression of being a real magnet for mosquitoes, which come to land on us in particular. A recent American study showed that, in fact, the color of the clothes you wear could attract these insects straight towards you!

Mosquitoes: how to avoid an invasion at home

To prevent these insects from taking up residence in your home this summer, here are some effective preventive measures:

  • Eliminate sources of stagnant water, because mosquitoes lay their eggs in it. Regularly empty saucers under flower pots, blocked gutters, ornamental ponds and any other areas with water.
  • Install mosquito nets on all your doors and windows to prevent mosquitoes from entering the house.
  • Apply repellents (preferably natural) in your interior and on your skin to prevent them from stinging you.
  • Avoid rush hour : mosquitoes are more active at dawn and dusk. Be vigilant during these periods and limit all openings to your interior.
  • Use fans : these parasites are rather weak and can be disturbed by air currents, they will have more difficulty approaching you.

Mosquitoes: the best natural repellents

To counter the incessant attacks of mosquitoes, equip yourself with effective natural solutions. THE essential oilssuch as lemongrass (one of the best known), lemon eucalyptus, peppermint, lavender, geranium or even apple cider vinegar can be used in diluting a few drops in water and spraying around you, or applying it directly to the skin, once mixed with an oil (like coconut oil).

Some aromatic herbs, like thyme and basil, also give off a very unpleasant odor that mosquitoes will seek to escape. Grow them in your garden, or place pots near the windows and doors of your home. Finally, cut a lemon in half and stick cloves in it then leave it outside so mosquitoes don’t come near you. You can also test the traditional Japanese methodultra-effective!

Mosquitoes: this color they are fans of

A team of researchers from the University of Washington, led by biology professor Jeffrey Riffell, looked at the eating behaviors mosquitoes. These scientists sought to understand the sensory systems mosquitoes in order to decipher exactly how these insects spot their food. They also studied differences in behavior between male mosquitoes, which feed on nectar and do not bite, and females, which require blood to be able to produce eggs.

“The smell of our skin, the sweat, the breath, the carbon dioxide that we emit are actually very strong cues for mosquitoes,” Riffell tells the site Fox Weatherand adds: “And of course, the clothes we wear. » In fact, the research group could have proven that these insects are very more attracted to black firstly, as well as the Red. THE white and the Greenon the other hand, seem keep them away!



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