Sexology. Erectile dysfunction: what causes and what solutions?

Sexology. Erectile dysfunction: what causes and what solutions?
Sexology. Erectile dysfunction: what causes and what solutions?

Erectile dysfunction: what are we talking about?

Erectile dysfunction occurs when the erection is insufficient for satisfactory sexual activity, does not last long enough, or stops prematurely. », explains Dr Catherine Solano, sexologist.

During my consultation, I often ask my patients on a scale of 0 to 10, how strong they rate their erection. This gives me a clear idea of ​​the situation “.

She also specifies that “ everyone can be affected by this problem and that there are solutions for everyone “.

The problem is that the subject still remains taboo today. According to Dr. Solano: “ Only 30% of men affected of this problem consult. Some people may feel embarrassed at first, they don’t dare talk to their doctor about it, they are always a little ashamed, because it is a very intimate subject. It is important to normalize the conversation on this subject. Many patients are relieved to be able to talk about it openly and eventually realize that it is a normal part of life. “.

Not one but causes

According to Dr. Catherine Solano, “ men who smoke often have erection problems from the age of 40, those who smoke moderately from the age of 50, and non-smokers not before the age of 60. This is one of the main risk factors. Without also forgetting drugs like cannabis! Other causes include other cardiovascular risk factors: excess cholesterol, high blood pressure, overweight, obesity. And logically therefore cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, sleep apnea “.

Moreover, erectile dysfunction before the age of 50 should, according to Dr Catherine Solano, be considered as an alarm signal for the risk of heart attack and stroke. “ This therefore always requires doing a cardiovascular assessment in order to prevent a heart attack or stroke. It is also important to talk to your doctor so that he or she can possibly modify the treatment causing the erectile dysfunction.. »

There are also psychological causes that are less often highlighted. “ This is the case for stress or moments of resuming sexual activity after a period of abstinence. Or even overconsumption of pornography » specifies Dr. Solano.

What solutions to reconnect with pleasure?

To regain a quality erection, Dr Catherine Solano should take care of her lifestyle and also not hesitate to consult a sexologist in the event of any problems observed. Treatments are available to help maintain a fulfilling sex life at any age.

Note that there is a new solution called Eroxon® StimgeL. This is an erectile stimulating gel indicated for adult men (aged at least 18 years) suffering from this problem. This new gel treatment for local application and without a prescription helps to obtain an erection in 10 minutes. The gel can be applied by the patient himself or by his/her partner as part of foreplay. This medical device will help achieve an erection only if the patient is sexually aroused (stimulated). In some cases several attempts may be necessary before obtaining the desired effect.

Source: Interview with Dr. Catherine Solano



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