Health: 7 things to do every day to extend your life expectancy by 20 years

Health: 7 things to do every day to extend your life expectancy by 20 years
Health: 7 things to do every day to extend your life expectancy by 20 years

In a world where aging is often feared, many seek to maintain a youthful appearance by any means possible. However, many people overlook the fact that there are simple and affordable methods to extend their longevity and age healthily. Here are seven actions to incorporate into your daily routine to potentially increase your life expectancy by 20 years.

In recent years, thehuman life expectancy has only increased, but the curve is about to reverse. Since 1990, a phenomenon has disrupted this phenomenon: the increase in the number of new cancers which doubled. The leading cause of death, cancers are the result of a lifestyle and behaviors harmful to health. Between sedentary lifestyle, lack of activity, poor diet or even the environment which are triggers of serious diseasesthere health of the population has never been in so much danger.

To get old has turned into real social pressure. So many people are scared and struggling with this natural process. Cosmetics, anti-aging cream, cosmetic surgery, food supplements, the industry offers a multitude of ways to stay young. But the results are mostly superficial. You want to have a makeover and slow down the effects of aging ? There are inexpensive and accessible solutions to prevent this, and they involve very simple actions to adopt on a daily basis.

Health: 7 steps to stay young

In a study of theAmerican Society for NutritionDr. Xuan-Mai Nguyen, health science specialist in the Department of Veterans Affairs at the Carle Illinous College of Medicine explains that a healthy lifestyle is essential for the physical and mental health. If you want to defy time and age long and healthy, you’re going to have to change your habits. L’physical activity must make its way into your daily life. Moving allows you to stay in shape in the long term. Start by walking or cycling when you travel, then find a sport you enjoy and do it several times a week!

Secondly, the cigarette and thealcohol must be stopped and become occasional. These consumptions cause diseases, we can never repeat it enough, but smoking kills. To hope to slow down the aging process,Healthy eating is a great ally. We cannot permanently stop everyday pleasures, but the main thing is to have a correct base at home. Save the deviations and fast foods for outings and adopt the Mediterranean diet for the long term! Sleep should not be forgotten. Several studies demonstrate that the lack of sleep impacts health. To meet your obligations, turn off the screens after a certain time and no longer stay up until the middle of the night! You will see, you will have much less trouble getting out of bed in the morning.

Health: Slow down the aging process

One factor plays a strong role in the acceleration of old age: the stress. Human beings are not supposed to be subjected to so manydaily anxiety. Family life, work, daily life, it’s not easy to stay calm! Including breathing exercises and meditation especially helps reduce the negative effects of stress. To conclude, one last element contributes to staying young: sociability. Let us not forget that human beings are sociable beings, social connections are obligatory for them if they do not want to see their mental health fail.



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