Catatonic for 20 years, here is the only treatment that woke her up

Catatonic for 20 years, here is the only treatment that woke her up
Catatonic for 20 years, here is the only treatment that woke her up

In 1995, April Burrell, then 21, suffered a life-altering trauma, says Between us. A promising student, she suddenly found herself trapped in her own mind, suffering severe visual and auditory hallucinations. His loved ones, helpless, witnessed his rapid mental degradation.
April was diagnosed with a severe form of schizophrenia, a disorder that left her catatonic and required a long-term hospitalization in New York..

For twenty years, April had no real contact with the outside world. Inert, unable to communicate, she no longer recognized her family or friends. Catatonia, a condition little understood at the time, had made her a “forgotten soul“, in the words of Sander Markx, director of psychiatry at Columbia University, who first met her in 2000. Markx was a medical student at the time and had no idea he would play a crucial role in April’s rebirth nearly two decades later.

A new treatment implemented which is bearing fruit

In 2018, a major discovery changed the course of April’s life. Dr. Markx diagnosed that she also suffered from lupus, an autoimmune disease that attacks the brain in particular.. This diagnosis opened a new avenue of treatment. Until then, efforts to treat his severe schizophrenia had been in vain, but the recognition of lupus made it possible to redirect care towards a more holistic and targeted approach.

After months of immunotherapy treatments and multiple tests, April’s condition began to improve. The treatment, aimed at modulating his immune system, gradually reduced the symptoms of his psychosis. In 2020, April emerged from her catatonic state, providing a rare example of recovery after such a long time.

“She hugged me, she held my hand”

Following this spectacular improvement, April was transferred to a rehabilitation center. The rehabilitation process was crucial in allowing him to regain social and cognitive skills after so many years of isolation. Due to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, April was unable to see her family immediately, but the reunion eventually took place in 2022.

April’s brother, Guy, recounted their first meeting. “She hugged me, she held my hand. We were so happy because we hadn’t seen her like that in forever.“Guy described his sister as a”brand new person“, recognizing loved ones and remembering childhood moments. It was a moment of intense emotion for the whole family.

“We’re not just improving their lives.”

April Burrell’s case now opens a new era for the treatment of patients with severe psychotic disorders associated with autoimmune diseases. According to Dr. Markx, approximately 200 other patients could benefit from similar treatments. “We’re not only improving their lives but we’re bringing them back from a place I didn’t think they could come back from.“, did he declare.

This advance highlights the importance of an interdisciplinary approach in medicine, where collaboration between different specialties can lead to life-saving discoveries. LThe success of April Burrell’s treatment could prompt a review of protocols for other catatonic patientsoften considered lost by the health system.



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