Senegal strengthens its anti-Covid system after deaths in Mecca

Senegal strengthens its anti-Covid system after deaths in Mecca
Senegal strengthens its anti-Covid system after deaths in Mecca

Visited by millions of Muslims each year for pilgrimage and Umrah, Masjid al-Haram is considered one of the most important examples of Islamic architecture. © Hani Alshaer / ANADOLU AGENCY / AFP

Published on June 24, 2024

Lecture : 1 minute.

Could the deaths occurring during the pilgrimage to Mecca be linked to the coronavirus? Senegalese authorities suspect that a number of victims died from a syndrome disease respiratory like Covid-19, said the Minister of Health, Ibrahima Sy, Sunday June 23 during a visit to Diamniadio international airport.

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“Initially, we thought that it was linked to heat waves because the temperature was excessively high, but we realized that there is a respiratory syndrome with the cases of death, does he have declared, according to a recording of his remarks released by the media. We said to ourselves that, probably, there is a respiratory epidemic, and it was our duty of be able to monitor pilgrims on their return by setting up a screening system for everything particularly related to Covid-19. »

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Strengthened health surveillance at borders

The ministry of Health indicated in a press release published Monday that it had “strengthened the health surveillance system at air borders” by deploying a team at the airport responsible for offering tests of voluntary screening and to identify pilgrims presenting flu-like illnesses.

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Out of 124 rapid diagnostic tests, 78 were positive for the Covid-19 virus, including 36 subsequently confirmed by tests PCR, the ministry said. “There is no need to be alarmed, but there is also a need for prevention,” the minister said on Sunday.

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Saudi Arabia said Sunday that 1,301 people died during the hajj. The official SPA news agency cited the fact that many worshipers had undertaken the great annual Muslim pilgrimage sans authorization, and traveled long distances in scorching heat and without appropriate support. Daily life The Observer reported five deaths among the pilgrims Senegalese.

(With AFP)

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