“I had a stroke at only 24 years old, here are the first symptoms that I regret having ignored”

“I had a stroke at only 24 years old, here are the first symptoms that I regret having ignored”
“I had a stroke at only 24 years old, here are the first symptoms that I regret having ignored”

We can never say it enough, it is important to take care of your health and overall well-being. And yet, even at 24, it can happen to have potentially fatal accidents. This is what this psychology student who experienced a big scare tells us.

Exercising, eating healthily, getting enough sleep and taking care of your mind are the foundations for maintaining good health, and this, at any age. However, today’s society puts obstacles in the way of maintaining this caring lifestyle. It’s the case for this woman, who had a stroke, despite her young age and his sporting past.

In the magazine Women’s Health, a student decides to talk about her stroke to promote prevention among women. Indeed, this major health problem was a shock for her, because she didn’t think she would be a victim one day. In addition, its objective is to indicate the first symptoms that should not be ignored. Here is his story.

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A lifestyle much too heavy for your health

She was a student and in the process of composing her thesis for her doctorate in clinical health psychology. Additionally, she held a therapy position in several hospitals. In other words, she had almost no time to take care of herself and even less to sleep. She specifies: “I had just worked three 20-hour days in a row, so obviously I was exhausted”.

There she is at home, in her kitchen, making food. This is where the first symptoms of his stroke appear. She begins to feel your left arm and leg going numb. In addition to that, his vision becomes blurry. She decides to sit on her couch before going to sleep. She adds : “Ironically, my next thought was that I had work the next morning, so I should go to bed.”. First mistake on his part.

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A day after with different stroke symptoms

Luckily, she manages to get up the next day to go to work. However, his limbs are still numb and his feeling that something strange is happening persists. Nausea and dizziness take place. Fortunately, she decided to contact her doctor who ordered her to go to the emergency room immediately due to the symptoms. After several examinations, she was told that she had a mini-stroke.

In other words, a transient ischemic attack (TIA) is a clot that does not get stuck in the arteries. According to this young girl, this health problem was a wake-up call and above all a way for his body to tell him to rest. She announces: “The most important thing I learned from this scare is that you have to take time for yourself”. Here is his message for women: “I promise you, your health is more important!”.

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Physical well-being, mental well-being, sexology, feminism, education, psychology, politics… Discover with Léna a caring and rejuvenating universe through her shares on AuFéminin. Aware of the importance of maintaining a balance…



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