Trélazé. A first lottery event allows a donation to Anjou Cystic Fibrosis

Trélazé. A first lottery event allows a donation to Anjou Cystic Fibrosis
Trélazé. A first lottery event allows a donation to Anjou Cystic Fibrosis

The president of Anjou Cystic Fibrosis, Yohann Lesourd, is happy to receive a donation of almost €200 after a lottery event on Tuesday June 11. Anjou Mucoviscidose is an association of parents of children with cystic fibrosis.

At the “Les Quernons” senior residence in Trélazé, this is the very first event in which residents participate. This donation allows Yohann Lesourd to explain the role of his association. Since 1996, he has participated in the activities of the Anjou Mucoviscidose association and took over as president in 2014.

At the beginning, we helped a lot with research and little by little, our donations were directed towards people with cystic fibrosis. », Explains the president.

The association helps members go on vacation, pay for sports licenses or contribute to medical costs and food supplements not covered by Social Security.

This year, we donated nearly €6,000 to our members for medical expenses. The most important thing is holiday assistance and bedding which must be adapted for cystic fibrosis patients. There is no small donation », recalls Yohann Lesourd.

Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease that affects everything digestive and pulmonary. In France, 6,000 patients suffer from this disease. A lot of progress for patients has come over the past three years with new drugs. “ We regain hope because patients can live more peacefully and for longer and longer. », confides Yohann.

Contact: [email protected] or by tel. at 06 98 46 92 19.



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