MSA Health Day: meeting the needs of women

MSA Health Day: meeting the needs of women
MSA Health Day: meeting the needs of women

Around a hundred people participated in Women’s Health Day organized by the MSA Ardèche-Drôme-Loire on June 1 in Nyons. This initiative was welcomed by the participants, many of whom lack medical follow-up due to time constraints and a shortage of doctors. Farmers, employees, wives of farmers and others, from varied backgrounds, made the trip. Objective: to take stock of their health. To welcome them, professionals from different specialties: gynecologist, nutritionist or even doctors from the multi-professional health center of Baronnies. The MSA also invited its health and social action and occupational health prevention services as well as various partners: the Agir contre le cancer Drôme association, the Departmental Olympic Committee and the Women’s Rights Information Center.

The key word of this day: prevention

During this day, around thirty participants benefited from a free appointment with a dermatologist. An opportunity given at the Maison du Pays de Nyons, Saturday June 1, that the women did not let slip away. The key word of this day: prevention, particularly of cancer. “There are still many people, despite working outdoors, who do not protect themselves from the sun,” reports Sophie Pons, dermatologist. Words confirmed by his patients. “It’s extremely complicated to get appointments so it’s a good initiative. This consultation reassured me. I will be more careful under the sun, especially in winter, when you also need to protect yourself,” says Myriam, a farmer and breeder. The latter took the opportunity to follow the advice of the breast cancer prevention stand. “If you have a different breast, which changes in appearance, grows or has a red shape that appears, at this point you already have to ask yourself questions,” recommends Christine Thorale, vice-president in charge of prevention at ACC26, by showing palpation techniques on a mannequin bust.

“I tend to neglect myself. It’s been ten years since I last saw a gynecologist or anyone. Doctors are inaccessible, confides Delphine, 59, wife of a farmer. We go to see them when we really have big problems. You have to question yourself and take more care of yourself.”

Committed to the rights and health of women in rural areas, Marie-Pierre Monier, senator from Drôme, encouraged the holding of this type of event: “40% of women do not get tested due to lack of access to the information. This type of health day is a lever to develop.” Comments noted by Henry Jouve, president of the MSA Ardèche-Drôme-Loire who recognizes that “on prevention issues, we have a lot of progress to make”.



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