100% Sport: the AFM Téléthon launches the 2nd muscle week

100% Sport: the AFM Téléthon launches the 2nd muscle week
100% Sport: the AFM Téléthon launches the 2nd muscle week

Because muscle is a major public health issue, the AFM-Téléthon and the Institute of Myology, an international center of expertise on muscle and its diseases, are leading a major Myology Foundation project.

17 muscles are needed to smile, 42 to frown. The diaphragm is the muscle that contracts the most. More than 2 billion times during our lifetime. We have around 600 muscles which represent 40% of our body weight. It is essential for movement, but it also has a role as regulator and secretor.

Hence the importance of preserving your muscle mass by practicing regular physical activity.

;By its preponderant place in the human body and its transversal role, muscle is at the heart of a discipline, myology, which must be taught and recognized.

To respond to this major public health issue, the AFM-Téléthon and the Institute of Myology are carrying out, in the heart of Paris, a major Myology Foundation project whose objective is to study, diagnose, evaluate and treat muscle, whether healthy, sick or aging. or trained.

Fabrice Chrétien, professor of neuropathy at Saint Anne hospital, and director of strategy at the Myology Foundation is the guest of the 100% Sport podcast



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