“Supervision problems” (Les Grandes Gueules)

“Supervision problems” (Les Grandes Gueules)
“Supervision problems” (Les Grandes Gueules)

In “Les Grandes Gueules”, teacher Barbara Lefebvre points out the “supervision issues” and childcare workers with numerous tasks “who no longer have the time” to check vaccines.

A quarter of children in daycare are not vaccinated. “I think that a large part of these problems are linked to management issues”, estimates history and geography professor Barbara Lefebvre in The Big Mouths on RMC.

“You have in each nursery a childcare worker who is an inclusive health and reception referent, and whose job, one of the tasks among the monstrous tasks that she has, is to regularly check that the vaccination record is updated and that the children are properly vaccinated,” she explains. “They don’t have time anymore!” according to the teacher.

“The supervision rate and recruitment is a disaster,” points out Barbara Lefebvre.

“Underpaid jobs”

“In certain municipalities, daycare centers close overnight. People find themselves without a solution,” continues Barbara Lefebvre. According to the teacher, it is “because the jobs are not attractive, and they are underpaid jobs, while you have a lot of people who want to work in caring for children, people with disabilities “.

“But look at how much these professions which are of immense social utility are paid,” she underlines. “It’s a shame, these are jobs that should be paid at least 2,500 euros net per month, that’s barely the minimum wage.”

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