A healthy sports village to prevent diabetes, this Sunday June 2 in Aix-en-Provence

A healthy sports village to prevent diabetes, this Sunday June 2 in Aix-en-Provence
A healthy sports village to prevent diabetes, this Sunday June 2 in Aix-en-Provence

A little more than one person in 17. This is the number of diabetics in France. A little more than 4 million in total, according to the latest calculations established in 2021. And things are not going to get better: 520,000 diabetics (20,000 for type 1, an autoimmune diabetes and 500,000 for type 2, diabetes which can be triggered by poor lifestyle) more could be identified by 2027, according to Health Insurance forecasts.

To stem the rise of the pathology, the 13th edition of National Diabetes Prevention Week is being organized from June 1 to 8.

In Aix-en-Provence, the French Federation of Diabetics (FFD) and the Association of Diabetics of Aix-pays de Provence and West Var (AFD 13-83) are setting up a health village, this Sunday, June 2, place François-Villon, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The two associations are planning a screening center, risk tests for developing the disease, but also numerous fun activities and stands around healthy living and sports, all under the diabetes caravan flag.

The day will be punctuated by activities intended for as many people as possible, regardless of their age or physical condition. “A flash mob is planned for 11 a.m. A sports instructor trained a small group to show that we can take charge at any age, in any physical condition. People who cannot dance can do so sitting down.“, indicates Marie-Laure Lumediluna, president of the Diabetics Association of Aix.



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