JDD INFO. The president of Sciences Po takes legal action after anti-Israel demonstrations, a collaborator of Rima Hassan targeted

JDD INFO. The president of Sciences Po takes legal action after anti-Israel demonstrations, a collaborator of Rima Hassan targeted
JDD INFO. The president of Sciences Po takes legal action after anti-Israel demonstrations, a collaborator of Rima Hassan targeted

Newly appointed head of Sciences Po, Luis Vassy made a strong first decision. Barely installed, he drew article 40 of the Code of Criminal Procedure to refer the matter to the public prosecutor, JDD and Europe 1 learned from sources close to the case. At issue: a series of anti-Israel demonstrations which shook the school, where activists called for an intifada, orchestrated in particular by Hicham Touili-Idrissi, collaborator of European MP Rima Hassan, former student of Sciences Po and member active in the Palestine committee of the establishment.

On October 3, the atmosphere at Sciences Po was electric. As the school celebrated Africa Day, students transformed the hall into a veritable pro-Palestinian arena. “Israel assassin, Sciences Po complicit”we chanted, in a repetition of the slogans already heard during the occupation of an amphitheater in March. With Palestinian flags in hand, the demonstrators raised their voices, shouting such as “Netanyahu, get out of it, Palestine is not yours” or even “For our brothers in Palestine and all those who are murdered, we are here”. A scene that has become familiar in an institution where political protest does not weaken.

Patrick Hetzel, the new Minister of Higher Education, was quick to react. In a blunt statement, he reminded university presidents of their law enforcement responsibilities, particularly as October 7 approaches, the anniversary of the Hamas attack on Israel. The message is clear: institutions must take all necessary measures to guarantee safety on their campuses. This warning leaves no doubt about its main target: recent events at Sciences Po.

Vassy faces the challenges of his mandate

If Luis Vassy hoped for a quiet start to his mandate, his hopes quickly disappeared. Barely appointed, he finds himself plunged into a political storm which shakes up the institution. However, he announced the color as soon as he took office: “I am taking on this role in a particular context, when our school has gone through difficult months. » Words full of good intentions, to which he added a promise: “My mobilization, too, so that the students, employees, teachers and researchers are happy there. Because yes, I accept this word, happiness, and this ambition. »

But faced with the turbulence, Vassy opted for a firmer posture. Concerned about maintaining a balance between academic excellence and freedom of thought, he insisted on the importance of the debate of ideas: “I believe in excellence. Not the one who crushes others, but the one who emancipates. I believe, then, in freedom. It is through a taste for debate and the quality of arguments that we gain conviction, not through erasing the opinions of others. » Faced with the refusal of the debate by pro-Palestinian activists, Vassy decided to use legal means to restore order at Sciences Po. Thus, by triggering article 40, he shows that he is ready to act against what he considered a dangerous deviation.

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Rima Hassan’s collaborator targeted

At the center of the controversy is Hicham Touili-Idrissi, a well-known name at Sciences Po. A long-time pro-Palestinian activist, collaborator of Rima Hassan, he continues to be talked about. During a televised intervention on April 29 on public service, he refused to condemn Hamas, preferring to warn about “an immense risk of genocide” in Palestine. Proudly wearing a keffiyeh, a symbol of Palestinian nationalism, he attracted criticism from many observers. His activism, far from going unnoticed, today makes him the target of the administration.

Rima Hassan, for her part, does not seem ready to disavow her collaborator. On August 16, she participated in a demonstration in Jordan in tribute to Ismaïl Haniyeh, leader of Hamas, recently assassinated. Together, the Hassan/Touili-Idrissi duo cultivates provocation, pushing the school to use article 40 to call them to order. Justice will decide, but at Sciences Po, one thing is certain: calm is not ready to return.



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