SURVEY – 84% of French people consider that security must be a priority for the new government


Recently installed at Matignon, Michel Barnier takes the reins of the government in the midst of a security turmoil. On September 8, a municipal agent from Grenoble tragically lost his life after trying to intercept an individual who had just violently hit a car stopped at a red light. This tragedy illustrates the urgency of the situation. According to our latest CSA survey conducted for CNews, Europe 1 and the JDD, 84% of French people believe that security must be an absolute priority for the new government.

CSA survey.


At the same time, 16% of respondents do not share this opinion. In detail, the analysis by gender reveals that women are more numerous than men in considering security as a priority for the new government: 86% of women compared to 81% of men. Conversely, 19% of men believe that security should not be a priority for the government, compared to 14% of women.

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The proportion of French people who believe that security should be a priority for the next government varies significantly by age. Among 18-24 year-olds, 87% share this opinion. The figure drops among 25-34 year-olds, reaching 85%, and among 35-49 year-olds, where 78% consider security to be a priority. The 50-64 age group is just as concerned as young people, with 87% placing security at the centre of the government’s concerns. Finally, among those over 65, 84% share this opinion.

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The results also vary according to socio-professional categories. Among the higher socio-professional categories (CSP+), 78% believe that security should be a priority for Michel Barnier’s government, compared to 22% who do not share this opinion. This figure rises among the lower socio-professional categories (CSP-), where 87% consider security to be a priority, compared to 13% who disagree. Finally, the inactive are close to the CSP-, with 86% believing that security should be a priority for the next government.

CSA survey.


Left-wing supporters are the least likely to consider security a priority for the future government. Among left-wing supporters, La France insoumise, less than the majority: 44% of them consider that security is a priority. 56% therefore place other subjects as a priority. The results vary significantly for supporters of the Socialist Party and the Ecologists. Respectively, 62% and 61% consider that security must be a priority for the new government.

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On the central bloc side, 86% of supporters believe that security should be a priority for Michel Barnier’s government, a figure slightly higher than the national average. There are no undecided supporters among Renaissance supporters, but 14% choose to prioritize other issues.

Right-wing supporters are the most firm on the subject of security. Among supporters of the Republicans, the party of the new Prime Minister Michel Barnier, 96% consider that security should be a priority for the next government. The most unanimous on the issue are supporters of the National Rally, with 98% of them believing that security should be the priority of the future government. In both cases, there is 1% of respondents who are undecided.

Between the budget, agriculture and security, Michel Barnier and his future ministers have work ahead of them. The Matignon tenant will have to reconcile security policies with the central bloc and part of the opposition.


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