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Marie-Anne Chazel faces solitude in a very important moment, Christian Clavier absent

Marie-Anne Chazel faces solitude in a very important moment, Christian Clavier absent

While Marie-Anne Chazel meets Michel Leeb on the stage of La Michodière, she talks to “Paris Match” about a moment of great solitude that marked her life while she was still in a relationship with Christian Clavier.

This September, Marie-Anne Chazel meets Michel Leeb on the stage of La Michodière, in Talk to me about love, play written by Philippe Claudel and directed by Nicolas Briançon. She experienced love, notably with a long story with Christian Clavier. Together from 1976 to 2001, they became the parents of Margot born in 1983. Then, comes a successful breakup. Today, in an interview with Paris Matchthe actress warns that she does not want to talk about her former partner, as well as their daughter. But, it is about herself that she evokes it by rememberinga big period of solitude.

It is speaking ofHelp, I’m 30!its realization, that Marie-Anne Chazel confides having experienced rather difficult moments.I loved it, she starts. But it was very hard. Christian had commitments of his own, and I found myself quite alone. faced with this small production, without many people to support me.” “I fought against all odds to make this film, which ultimately only had 300,000 admissions.” she continues.

“It was good to be two against that”

She also remembers the success of the Visitors. And this time, Christian Clavier was indeed at his side to experience this tidal wave. If today, Jean-Marie Poiré’s film has achieved the status of…

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