VIDEO. Koné’s cinema begins to (project) again

VIDEO. Koné’s cinema begins to (project) again

In Koné, the Ciné Nyaan reopens its doors after four months of closure due to the crisis in New Caledonia. For the first screening, Wednesday, September 11, the public was there. And the team, delighted to have them back.

On the big screen, Vice-versa 2. On Wednesday, September 11, Ciné Nyaan resumed with this animated film full of emotions (in the literal sense). The Koné cinema, which has existed for six years, was closed at the beginning of the riots in mid-May. Its return is proving to be appreciated by young and old spectators alike. “We’ve been waiting for it for months, especially since it’s a film that’s been getting a lot of attention at the moment,” reacts a spectator. “It’s nice to be back at the cinema, with everything that’s going onadds another. This reopening session attracted around sixty people.”

Before that, there were the “safety” tests, the inventory of reserves or even a full-scale test, knowing that the technical aspects are managed from Cinécity in Nouméa. It was with a smile on her face that Cheyenne Wellet found the projected images. The receptionist has been working at the Koné cinema since 2021. This reopening was a highly anticipated moment for her. “Customers are often happy to come to the cinema, there are not many activities to do in Koné.” And then “We all know each other, we have built relationships with customers.”

A report by Camille Mosnier and Ismaël Waka-Ceou


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