“Koh-Lanta: the cursed tribe”: a sad “absolute record” in the history of the game beaten, “fate is relentless” on this candidate

“Koh-Lanta: the cursed tribe”: a sad “absolute record” in the history of the game beaten, “fate is relentless” on this candidate

Who will leave the cursed tribe?

Message in a bottle! Before the comfort game, we find Emmanuelle, Mélissa, Vanessa and Nathanaël, the adventurers of the cursed tribe. A new white Alito is hiding in the riverbed, on the cursed island. The candidate who finds him can hope to join one of the two teams.

It’s finally Nathanael who finds the precious statuette under a stone.

And five!

Make way for comfort game. We find the Pitogo and Sabitang for a new challenge in the history of “Koh-Lanta”! Each team finds itself facing eight cubes of four different colors. Using ropes, they must connect the cubes of the same color while respecting an important rule: it is strictly forbidden to cross the ropes.

Before playing, the adventurers must draw the black ball, so that the forces between the teams are fair. The draw is focused on the red Cassandre, who is on her fifth black ball in a row! “You have only done one event as a team,” Denis Brogniart points out in this regard in front of the other candidates.

L’test East won by the yellowthanks in large part to Ilyesse, who “felt like he was in a math exam.” The reward is magnificent: a trip to a small village, stopping at the local market to feast on local specialties.

Duel for the red team

Losers in the comfort test, the reds unanimously decide to send Cecile au duel facing Nathanael. Will Pitogo go to the cursed island? Her fellow adventurers hope so.

The two candidates compete in a well-known challenge from the TF1 show. They must create a two-story building with 5 rooms for the first level and 13 rooms for the second. After 40 minutes of suspense, it is finally Cecile Who gagne the duel! The 41-year-old adventurer rred team wins. Nathanaeldesperate, return to the cursed island.

Upon her return to Camp Pitogo, Cécile noticed a “rather mixed” reception. She asked her team for an account. Gustin explained to her that they needed people who were capable of moving forward, which was not the case for Cécile during the last events. Alexandre mentioned the age gap, which did not work in her favor.

An absolute record!

It’s time for theimmunity test. Reds and yellows meet for a game of skill and concentration. The adventurers must move a curved ruler up along a drawing where there are three holes. The goal is to place three balls in the holes, from the lowest to the highest, without dropping them in the process, at the risk of starting over.

But first, a new draw to fairly distribute the teams. Cassandre seems cursed. The 23-year-old candidate draws her sixth black ball in a row! Fate is relentless, it’s an “absolute record” in the history of Koh-Lanta, Denis Brogniart tells her. “That’s a small record, for want of shining on the events,” the adventurer replies.

L’team red wins the event. The yellows will have to go to the council. During the debrief in front of Denis Brogniart, Lola makes her teammates grind their teeth. “It’s nice to see the team putting confidence in a female voice. Well done to you, we’re not there yet,” she tells them. “We would never have said no to you if you had said ‘I want to do it’,” Jacques replies.

And the eliminated one is…

Tempers flare at the yellow camp. The alliance between Jacques, Frédéric and the girls (Lola, Charlotte and Sophia) is hanging by a thread. The two men turn to the other male candidates in the tribe, fed up with Lola’s behavior. “At first, you make a pact with people you don’t know and today, it turns out that, sorry, Lola, you’re unbearable,” Jacques justifies himself, facing the camera.

Place at the council. Three adventurers are tied in the votes: three votes against Charlotte, three votes against Lola, three votes against Michel. Denis Brogniart calls on the candidates to go and vote again against one of the three adventurers only, in order to decide between them. It is finally Lola who is eliminated from the Sabitang tribe.

Team Summary

At the end of the 12th day of adventure, there are still 20 candidates left. Eight in the red team, eight in the yellow team and four in the cursed tribe.

Tribu Pitogo (rouge) : Ugo, Alexandre, Cassandre, Cécile, Gustin, Maud, Maxim, Sarah.

Tribu Sabitang (yellow) : Frédéric, Charlotte, Fabrice, Ilyesse, Jacques, Michel, Sophia, Thibault.

Cursed Tribe : Emmanuelle, Nathanaël, Mélissa, Vanesa.

Eliminated :

– Lola, yellow team (10/09);

– Marie, red team (03/09);

– Ari, red team (08/27);

– Cécile, yellow team (20/08).


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