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An Inner Journey Toward Contemplation – Santos Blanco’s Documentary

An Inner Journey Toward Contemplation – Santos Blanco’s Documentary

October 2, 2024 marks the release of an exceptional documentary titled Freedirected by Santos Blanco. This film offers a rare and precious immersion into the world of cloistered monks and nuns, a mysterious world that is largely unknown to the general public. Through this 1h44 feature film, Blanco invites us to discover the depth of an inner quest conducted in more than 12 monasteries around the world. An exploration that raises essential questions about the meaning of contemplative life in the 21st century.

A documentary to discover the human soul

Free is much more than a simple documentary. It is an introspective journey that immerses the viewer in the heart of monastic life, a universe where time seems suspended and where the essence of existence is reduced to its simplest expression. The film reveals a quest for inner freedom that contrasts with the common perception of confinement that one might associate with cloistered life.

The director explains that the idea for the film was born during the 2020 pandemic. At that time, he was participating in a campaign to support cloistered monks and nuns, unable to sell their handicrafts due to the lockdowns. This experience led him to wonder about life behind the walls of monasteries, and from there, an idea emerged: to make a film to reveal this hidden reality, almost inaccessible to most of us.

Monastic life in the 21st century: a paradox of freedom

One question underlies the entire documentary: Why, in our age of hyperconnectivity and consumerism, do men and women choose to renounce the outside world to devote themselves to monastic life? For Blanco, the answer lies in the notion of freedom. “Freedom is the word that comes up most often in the documentary,” he explains. Contrary to popular belief, monks and nuns do not flee the world, but choose another form of freedom, that of freeing themselves from the distractions and constraints of modern life to focus on what is essential: inner peace, prayer and meditation.

The documentary Free visits 12 monasteries, scattered across various countries, offering a diversity of perspectives on this life of renunciation. The participants, whose names are not revealed, share their life experiences without artifice, allowing the viewer to understand what motivates such a vocation. Through poignant testimonies, we discover that, far from being a life of isolation, the contemplative life is perceived by these people as a true path to freedom and fulfillment.

A unique production and production challenges

The realization of Free was a huge challenge. The team had to overcome many obstacles to gain access to these monasteries, places that are usually closed to cameras. Santos Blanco emphasizes that this opening was made possible thanks to the support of the De Clausura Foundation, an organization dedicated to the preservation of monastic life. The result is an authentic film, offering unseen images of this life away from the world, making visible a form of spirituality and devotion rarely shown to the general public.

The filming, done with great sensitivity, captures moments of incredible simplicity, but also of profound meaning. The spectators will be able to contemplate the daily life of the monks: prayer, manual work, meditation, all activities punctuated by silence and solitude. Far from the hustle and bustle of the outside world, these scenes evoke a return to the sources, a quest for meaning in a world often disconnected from the essential.

Freedom at the heart of the subject

Originally titled I lead to the topa Latin expression meaning “to go deep,” the film was renamed Free as the editing progressed. This change of title reflects the documentary’s main theme: freedom, not the kind found outside, but the kind cultivated within. For the director, this freedom is the key to understanding why these men and women choose to live in monasteries.

Each viewer is thus invited to question themselves: what is freedom? Is it an absence of external constraints, or on the contrary, an ability to free oneself from material distractions to find a form of inner truth? The film, without imposing an answer, leaves room for personal reflection, offering everyone the opportunity to confront these existential questions.

A film for our times

The relevance of Free resonates strongly in our contemporary society, where the search for meaning becomes more and more pressing in the face of hyperconsumption and the frenzy of social networks. Santos Blanco does not seek to convince, but to awaken awareness. Through this documentary, he offers a moment of pause, a spiritual breath, and an invitation to rediscover the importance of interiority.

Furthermore, the film is part of a broader trend of rediscovering contemplative and meditative practices. Whether through yoga, mindfulness or spirituality, more and more people today are looking to slow down and find a balance between the outside world and their own inner world. Free fits perfectly into this approach, by offering an in-depth reflection on how everyone can cultivate inner peace.

Don’t miss this theatrical release on October 2, 2024: a unique opportunity to discover a hidden world that is yet so rich in lessons for our time.


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