Rapper Koba LaD involved in car crash that left one dead

Rapper Koba LaD involved in car crash that left one dead

DRAMA – The artist was driving a vehicle that hit a heavy goods vehicle at full speed on a slip road of the A86 near Créteil (Val-de-Marne)

One person died in a road accident involving rapper Koba LaD, on Tuesday around 11 p.m. on a slip road of the A86 in Créteil (Val-de-Marne), we learned this Wednesday from a source close to the case.

The 24-year-old artist, who lives in Essonne, was driving, according to this source, when his vehicle, a luxury sedan, arrived “at full speed” on an exit ramp of a gas station and hit a heavy goods vehicle that was parked.

Passenger in vehicle driven by deceased rapper

The front passenger, born in 1994, died, the source added, indicating that the rapper and the back passenger were slightly injured. The artist was taken to hospital and has not been taken into custody at this stage, it explained. It also indicated that the truck driver is safe and sound.

A police source confirmed the conditions of the accident, without specifying the identity of the driver. According to this source, three people were slightly injured.

Already convicted several times

Koba LaD was sentenced in 2020 to three months in prison suspended and 140 hours of community service for a car accident in Marseille, after which he fled before showing up three days(…) - 20minutes

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