who is affected by the new vaccination campaign?

who is affected by the new vaccination campaign?
who is affected by the new vaccination campaign?

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– The Covid-19 vaccination campaign opens on October 15.

Who says winter, says virus. The double vaccination campaign against influenza and Covid-19 opens Tuesday October 15. Until January 31, 2025, the most vulnerable French people are invited to adopt this new reflex. “Vaccination combined with respect for barrier gestures helps protect the most vulnerable among us as well as preventing serious risks. It is therefore also a tool to reduce pressure on the health system.declared the Deputy Director General of Health (DGS), Sarah Sauneron. “The challenge is to make this double campaign a new annual reflex” as winter approaches, she continued.

Who are the French people invited to be vaccinated against flu and Covid-19?

In total, 17.2 million French people are invited by Health Insurance to be vaccinated against flu and Covid-19. The vaccination campaign targets the same audience likely to develop a serious form of the disease, namely people aged 65 and over, those with chronic cardiovascular, pulmonary or immunocompromised diseases, those with severe obesity or even women. speakers. Vaccination is also recommended for those around vulnerable people and for professionals in the medical and social sectors.

The vaccination invitation letters were sent by Health Insurance and the MSA in September. They are accompanied by care vouchers. In fact, flu vaccination is fully covered by Health Insurance for French people who have received the invitation. As for the Covid-19 vaccine, “anyone who wishes to be vaccinated outside of these invitations can do so”attests the Deputy Director General of Health. The vaccine is fully covered by Health Insurance.

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What vaccines are available against flu and Covid-19?

The vaccine can be administered by a doctor, nurse, pharmacist or midwife, specifies the DGS. To facilitate vaccination, the two injections against flu and Covid-19 can be given at the same time but in two different places or in two stages and without delay. However, vaccination against Covid-19 can be done only six years after the last infection or vaccination. The period is reduced to three months for people aged at least 80, immunocompromised people and those residing in nursing homes or long-term care units.

For this vaccination campaign, the DGS is offering a single vaccine against Covid-19. This is the Comirnaty JN.1 vaccine from the Pfizer laboratory, using messenger RNA technology. He is “adapted to the JN.1 strain of the Omicron variant which is currently circulating mainly in the territory”specified Sarah Sauneron. Against the flu, three possibilities are available: Fluarix Tetra from the GSK laboratory, Vaxigrip Tetra, developed by Sanofi and Influvac Tetra produced by the Viatris Santé laboratory. By mid-September 1.7 million doses had been ordered. In all, “13.9 million doses will be delivered to meet the needs of the campaign”assures the DGS which adds that a “mechanism for pre-reserving doses could be activated if needs were to be greater”.

According to the latest epidemic bulletin published on October 9 by Public Health , the lights are not red: the circulation of Covid-19 and influenza remains moderate, except for Island affected by an influenza epidemic. However, the DGS strongly encourages people affected by the vaccination campaign to be vaccinated. The objective is to “protect the most vulnerable and improve vaccination adherence among target populations, particularly those over 65”summarizes Sarah Sauneron. A reminder will be sent to those concerned at the end of November.



PREV One in two eligible French people want to be vaccinated against flu and Covid-19
NEXT less than one in two French people respect barrier gestures in the event of symptoms