mask, vaccine… Do the French still respect barrier gestures?

mask, vaccine… Do the French still respect barrier gestures?
mask, vaccine… Do the French still respect barrier gestures?

The French less inclined to respect barrier gestures? As a new vaccination campaign against Covid-19 and flu begins this Tuesday, October 15, 2024, Public Health has just published a study on “the adherence of the French to preventive measures against winter viruses” , as part of its “CoviPrev” survey.

43% of French people never wear a mask, even if they have symptoms

First observation: 43% of the 2,000 respondents “state that they never wear a mask in the event of symptoms, in the presence of vulnerable people or in busy places”according to the study. Only 29% wear a mask often (16%) or systematically (13%) in these situations. 7% of respondents also say they never wash their hands with soap or hydroalcoholic gel in these circumstances. And 15% say that nothing would encourage them to continue or increase their application of protective measures.

Read also: “Active circulation” of the virus, new variant… Is the Covid-19 epidemic starting again in France?

“On average, whatever the barrier gesture concerned, the proportion of respondents declaring never respecting them was higher among men, people in a situation of inactivity, people unfavorable to vaccination in general, people declaring not be at risk of severe form of Covid-19, as well as people residing in rural areas”details Public Health France.

A quarter of people at risk of serious illness do not want to be vaccinated

Another lesson from this survey: if half of the population eligible for the vaccination campaign against Covid-19 and influenza intends to receive the booster, 23% of respondents at risk of severe form say they do not want to receive a vaccine. for neither disease. A proportion “significantly higher among those under 65 at risk of severe disease compared to people aged 65 and over (26% versus 20%)”specifies the study.

Among the reasons given, a quarter of those who refuse to be vaccinated again explain it by fear of “adverse effects” and another quarter per “the perception of a lack of effectiveness against the variants currently in circulation”.

Read also: What is the XEC variant of Covid-19, which could become dominant in Europe and the United States?

“None of the adverse effects reported called into question the benefit/risk ratio of the Covid-19 vaccine. Furthermore, particularly in this period of increased viral circulation, it is essential to recall the importance of vaccinating the most vulnerable people against Covid-19, particularly for the prevention of serious forms.underlines Public Health France.

A vaccination campaign until January 31, 2025

The fall vaccination campaign is open until January 31, 2025 in mainland France as well as in Guadeloupe, and Guyana. It concerns people likely to develop serious forms of the disease: people aged 65 and over, people with comorbidity(s) including infants from 6 months, children, adolescents and adults, immunocompromised people , pregnant women as well as residents of nursing homes and long-term care units.

It is also recommended for students and professionals in the health sector and those in regular contact with vulnerable people.



PREV One in two eligible French people want to be vaccinated against flu and Covid-19
NEXT less than one in two French people respect barrier gestures in the event of symptoms